Mohammadali Javaheri koopaee
Mohammadali Javaheri koopaee
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Cited by
Design and Development of a Wheel-less Snake Robot with Active Stiffness Control for Adaptive Pedal Wave Locomotion
MJ Koopaee, S Bal, C Pretty, X Chen
Journal of Bionic Engineering 16 (4), 593-607, 2019
Dynamical modeling and control of modular snake robots with series elastic actuators for pedal wave locomotion on uneven terrain
MJ Koopaee, C Pretty, K Classens, XQ Chen
Journal of Mechanical Design 142 (3), 031120, 2020
Controller design with constraint on control input and output for TS fuzzy systems with nonlinear local model
MAJ Koopaee, VJ Majd
2015 23rd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, 876-881, 2015
Dynamical Modelling and Control of Snake-Like Motion in Vertical Plane for Locomotion in Unstructured Environments
M Javaheri Koopaee, C Pretty, K Classens, XQ Chen
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2019
Design, modelling and control of a modular snake robot with torque feedback for pedal wave locomotion on surfaces with irregularities
MJ Koopaee
University of Canterbury, 2019
Parameters tuning of snake robots sidewinding gait using Bayesian optimization
MJ Koopaee, B Van Huijgevoort, C Pretty, XQ Chen
2018 4th International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics (ICCAR …, 2018
Bio-Inspired Snake Robots: Design, Modelling, and Control
MJ Koopaee, C Gilani, C Scott, XQ Chen
Handbook of Research on Biomimetics and Biomedical Robotics, 246-275, 2018
Dynamical modeling and gait optimization of a 2-d modular snake robot in a confined space
KHJ Classens, MAJ Koopaee, C Pretty, S Weiland, X Chen
IFAC-PapersOnLine 53 (2), 9754-9759, 2020
Switching Fuzzy Modelling and Control Scheme Using TS Fuzzy Systems with Nonlinear Consequent Parts
MJ Koopaee, VJ Majd
Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems 17 (2), 49-65, 2019
Generalized Dynamical Modeling of 2-D Modular Snake Robots
KHJ Classens, MJ Koopaee, S Weiland
38th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control 2019, 2019
An H∞ switching TS fuzzy controller design for position control of two-wheeled mobile robots
MAJ Koopaee, VJ Majd
2015 3rd RSI International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (ICROM …, 2015
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Articles 1–11