Johan van Strien
Johan van Strien
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How attitude strength biases information processing and evaluation on the web
JLH van Strien, Y Kammerer, S Brand-Gruwel, HPA Boshuizen
Computers in Human Behavior 60, 245-252, 2016
Dealing with conflicting information from multiple nonlinear texts: Effects of prior attitudes
JLH van Strien, S Brand-Gruwel, HPA Boshuizen
Computers in Human Behavior 32, 101-111, 2014
Embedded instruction to learn information problem solving: Effects of a whole task approach
J Frerejean, GJ Velthorst, JLH van Strien, PA Kirschner, S Brand-Gruwel
Computers in Human Behavior 90, 117-130, 2019
Completion strategy or emphasis manipulation? Task support for teaching information problem solving
J Frerejean, JLH van Strien, PA Kirschner, S Brand-Gruwel
Computers in Human Behavior 62, 90-104, 2016
Effects of a modelling example for teaching information problem solving skills
J Frerejean, JLH van Strien, PA Kirschner, S Brand‐Gruwel
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 34 (6), 688-700, 2018
Instruction to promote information-problem solving on the Internet in primary and secondary education students: A systematic literature review
S Brand-Gruwel, JLH Van Strien
Handbook of Multiple Source Use, 2018
Effecten van programmeeronderwijs op computational thinking: een reviewstudie
J Voogt, S Brand-Gruwel, J Van Strien
The role of positional knowledge and tonal approaches in cellists’ sight-reading
ZG Wolfs, HPA Boshuizen, JLH van Strien
Musicae Scientiae 24 (1), 3-20, 2020
Capturing and characterizing teachers’ noticing as basis for their classroom management in different career stages: a data paper
S van Driel, H Jarodzka, F Crasborn, J van Strien, S Brand-Gruwel
International Journal of Research & Method in Education 46 (3), 313-325, 2023
Do prior attitudes influence epistemic cognition while reading conflicting information?
J Van Strien, S Brand-Gruwel, E Boshuizen
EARLI SIG 02: Comprehension of Text and Graphics, 2012
Effecten van programmeeronderwijs op computational thinking
J Voogt, S Brand-Gruwel, J Van Strien
NRO. https://www. nro. nl/sites/nro/files/migrate/003-Antwoord-Rapport …, 2017
Het beoordelen van de kwaliteit van rubrics
J Van Strien, D Joosten-ten Brinke
Examens, Tijdschrift voor de toetspraktijk 2016 (1), 33-37, 2016
Measuring sophistication of epistemic beliefs using Rasch analysis
J Van Strien, M Bijker, S Brand-Gruwel, E Boshuizen
The future of learning: Proceedings of the 10th international conference of …, 2012
To tag or not to tag? How to support organizing and classifying bookmarks from the Web (¿ Con etiquetas o sin etiquetas? Cómo asistir en la organización y clasificación de los …
J Walhout, H Jarodzka, JLH Van Strien, S Brand-Gruwel
Journal for the Study of Education and Development 43 (1), 139-173, 2020
Who to Trust and What to Believe?: Effects of Prior Attitudes and Epistemic Beliefs om Processing and Justification of Conflicting Information From Multiple Sources
JLH Van Strien
Laat de beoordeling van de docent (maar) niet over aan de student
K Scager, J van Strien, I Lam
TH&MA Hoger Onderwijs, 53-57, 2019
The impact of prior attitudes and prior knowledge on the problem formulation stage of information problem solving
G Veldhorst, J Frerejean, J Van Strien, S Brand-Gruwel
Manuscript submitted for publication, 2016
Lifelong learning in the professions: Differences between psychologists, educational scientists and managers. A comparison of three modelling techniques, using one database
M Bijker, M Van der Klink, E Boshuizen, D Tempelaar, C Van der Vleuten, ...
Reading on the World Wide Web: Dealing with conflicting information from multiple sources
J Van Strien, S Brand-Gruwel, E Boshuizen
To tag or not to tag?(¿ Con etiquetas o sin etiquetas?): How to support organizing and classifying bookmarks from the Web (Cómo asistir en la organización y clasificación de …
J Walhout, H Jarodzka, JLH Van Strien, S Brand-Gruwel
Infancia Y Aprendizaje 43 (1), 139-173, 2020
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