Ivan Kryven
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Cited by
Modeling the free-radical polymerization of hexanediol diacrylate (HDDA): a molecular dynamics and graph theory approach
A Torres-Knoop, I Kryven, V Schamboeck, PD Iedema
Soft matter 14 (17), 3404-3414, 2018
Bond percolation in coloured and multiplex networks
I Kryven
Nature communications 10 (1), 404, 2019
Population Balance Modeling of Aggregation and Coalescence in Colloidal Systems
I Kryven, S Lazzari, G Storti
Macromolecular Theory and Simulations 23 (3), 170-181, 2014
Random graph approach to multifunctional molecular networks
I Kryven, J Duivenvoorden, J Hermans, PD Iedema
Macromolecular Theory and Simulations 25 (5), 449–465, 2016
Emergence of the giant weak-component in directed random graphs with arbitrary degree distributions
I Kryven
Physical Review E 94, 012315, 2016
A Novel Approach to Population Balance Modeling of Reactive Polymer Modification Leading to Branching
I Kryven, P Iedema
Macromolecular Theory and Simulations 22 (2), 89-106, 2013
Dynamic Networks that Drive the Process of Irreversible Step-Growth Polymerization
V Schamboeck, PD Iedema, I Kryven
Scientific Reports 9, 2276, 2019
Deterministic modelling of copolymer microstructure: composition drift and sequence patterns
I Kryven, PD Iedema
Macromolecular Reaction Engineering 9 (3), 285–306, 2015
General expression for component-size distribution in infinite configuration networks
I Kryven
Physical Review E 95, 052303, 2017
Analytic results on the polymerisation random graph model
I Kryven
J Math Chem 56 (1), 140-157, 2018
Acrylate Network Formation by Free‐Radical Polymerization Modeled Using Random Graphs
V Schamboeck, I Kryven, PD Iedema
Macromolecular Theory and Simulations 26 (6), 1700047, 2017
Percolation on branching simplicial and cell complexes and its relation to interdependent percolation
G Bianconi, I Kryven, RM Ziff
Physical Review E 100, 062311, 2020
Finite connected components in infinite directed and multiplex networks with arbitrary degree distributions
I Kryven
Physical Review E 96 (5), 052304, 2017
Renormalization group for link percolation on planar hyperbolic manifolds
I Kryven, RM Ziff, G Bianconi
Physical Review E 100, 022306, 2019
Solution of the chemical master equation by radial basis functions approximation with interface tracking
I Kryven, S Röblitz, C Schütte
BMC System Biology 9 (57), 2015
Predicting multidimensional distributive properties of hyperbranched polymer resulting from AB2 polymerization with substitution, cyclization and shielding
I Kryven, PD Iedema
Polymer 54 (14), 3472–3484, 2013
Modeling Crosslinking Polymerization in Batch and Continuous Reactors
I Kryven, A Berkenbos, P Melo, DM Kim, PD Iedema
Macromolecular Reaction Engineering 7 (5), 205-220, 2013
Transition into the gel regime for crosslinking radical polymerisation in a continuously stirred tank reactor
I Kryven, PD Iedema
Chemical Engineering Science 126, 296–308, 2014
Transition into the gel regime for free radical crosslinking polymerisation in a batch reactor
I Kryven, PD Iedema
Polymer 55 (16), 3475–3489, 2014
Topology evolution in polymer modification
I Kryven, PD Iedema
Macromolecular Theory and Simulations 23 (1), 7-14, 2014
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Articles 1–20