Michael Bender
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Cited by
Social support benefits psychological adjustment of international students: Evidence from a meta-analysis
M Bender, Y van Osch, W Sleegers, M Ye
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 50 (7), 827-847, 2019
Autobiographical memory and social skills of men and women
RF Pohl, M Bender, G Lachmann
Applied Cognitive Psychology 19 (6), 745-759, 2005
Hindsight bias around the world
RF Pohl, M Bender, G Lachmann
Experimental Psychology (formerly Zeitschrift für Experimentelle Psychologie …, 2002
The role of perceived cultural distance, personal growth initiative, language proficiencies, and tridimensional acculturation orientations for psychological adjustment among …
J Taušová, M Bender, R Dimitrova, F van de Vijver
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 69, 11-23, 2019
When does self-reported prosocial motivation predict helping? The moderating role of implicit prosocial motivation
A Aydinli, M Bender, A Chasiotis, Z Cemalcilar, FJR Van de Vijver
Motivation and Emotion 38, 645-658, 2014
Implicit motives and basic psychological needs
J Schüler, N Baumann, A Chasiotis, M Bender, I Baum
Journal of Personality 87 (1), 37-55, 2019
A cross-cultural study of explicit and implicit motivation for long-term volunteering
A Aydinli, M Bender, A Chasiotis, FJR van de Vijver, Z Cemalcilar, ...
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 45 (2), 375-396, 2016
Psychometric properties and correlates of precarious manhood beliefs in 62 nations
JK Bosson, P Jurek, JA Vandello, N Kosakowska-Berezecka, M Olech, ...
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 52 (3), 231-258, 2021
Helping and volunteering across cultures: Determinants of prosocial behavior
A Aydinli, M Bender, A Chasiotis
Online Readings in Psychology and Culture 5 (3), 1-27, 2013
The association between threat and politics depends on the type of threat, the political domain, and the country
MJ Brandt, FM Turner-Zwinkels, B Karapirinler, F Van Leeuwen, ...
Personality and social psychology bulletin 47 (2), 324-343, 2021
Olfactory cues are more effective than visual cues in experimentally triggering autobiographical memories
MJ de Bruijn, M Bender
Memory 26 (4), 547-558, 2018
Collective identity and wellbeing of Roma minority adolescents in Bulgaria
R Dimitrova, A Chasiotis, M Bender, F van de Vijver
International Journal of Psychology 48 (4), 502-513, 2013
Collective Identity and Well-Being of Bulgarian Roma Adolescents and Their Mothers
R Dimitrova, A Chasiotis, M Bender, FJR van de Vijver
Journal of youth and adolescence 43 (3), 375-386, 2014
Ethnic identity and acculturation of Turkish-Bulgarian adolescents
R Dimitrova, M Bender, A Chasiotis, FJR van de Vijver
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 37 (1), 1-10, 2013
Country‐level and individual‐level predictors of men's support for gender equality in 42 countries
N Kosakowska‐Berezecka, T Besta, JK Bosson, P Jurek, JA Vandello, ...
European Journal of Social Psychology 50 (6), 1276-1291, 2020
Parental culture maintenance, bilingualism, identity, and well-being in Javanese, Batak, and Chinese adolescents in Indonesia
BT Sari, A Chasiotis, FJR van de Vijver, M Bender
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 39 (10), 853-867, 2018
Ethnic, familial, and religious identity of Roma adolescents in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Kosovo, and Romania in relation to their level of well‐being
R Dimitrova, FJR van de Vijver, J Taušová, A Chasiotis, M Bender, ...
Child development 88 (3), 693-709, 2017
Implicit and explicit prosocial motivation as antecedents of volunteering: The moderating role of parenthood
A Aydinli, M Bender, A Chasiotis, FJR van de Vijver, Z Cemalcilar
Personality and Individual Differences 74, 127-132, 2015
Heritage identity and maintenance enhance well-being of Turkish-Bulgarian and Turkish-German adolescents.
R Dimitrova, A Aydinli, A Chasiotis, M Bender, FJR van de Vijver
Social Psychology 46 (2), 93, 2015
The emergence of the independent self: Autobiographical memory as a mediator of false belief understanding and sociocultural motive orientation in Cameroonian and German …
A Chasiotis, M Bender, F Kiessling, J Hofer
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 41 (3), 368-390, 2010
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Articles 1–20