Elco Luijendijk
Elco Luijendijk
Associate professor of hydrogeology at the university of Bergen
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The global volume and distribution of modern groundwater
T Gleeson, KM Befus, S Jasechko, E Luijendijk, MB Cardenas
Nature Geoscience 9 (2), 161-167, 2016
Global aquifers dominated by fossil groundwaters but wells vulnerable to modern contamination
S Jasechko, D Perrone, KM Befus, M Bayani Cardenas, G Ferguson, ...
Nature Geoscience 10 (6), 425-429, 2017
Fresh groundwater discharge insignificant for the world’s oceans but important for coastal ecosystems
E Luijendijk, T Gleeson, N Moosdorf
Nature Communications 11, 2020
The persistence of brines in sedimentary basins
G Ferguson, JC McIntosh, SE Grasby, MJ Hendry, S Jasechko, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 45 (10), 4851-4858, 2018
How well can we predict permeability in sedimentary basins? Deriving and evaluating porosity–permeability equations for noncemented sand and clay mixtures
E Luijendijk, T Gleeson
Geofluids 15 (1-2), 67-83, 2014
Is the permeability of crystalline rock in the shallow crust related to depth, lithology, or tectonic setting?
M Ranjram, T Gleeson, E Luijendijk
Crustal permeability, 123-136, 2012
Global recharge data set indicates strengthened groundwater connection to surface fluxes
WR Berghuijs, E Luijendijk, C Moeck, Y van der Velde, ST Allen
Geophysical Research Letters 49 (23), e2022GL099010, 2022
Groundwater resources in the Jabal Al Hass region, northwest Syria: an assessment of past use and future potential
E Luijendijk, A Bruggeman
Hydrogeology Journal 16, 511-530, 2008
Episodic fluid flow in an active fault
S Louis, E Luijendijk, I Dunkl, M Person
Geology 47 (10), 938-942, 2019
The location of old groundwater in hydrogeologic basins and layered aquifer systems
C Gassiat, T Gleeson, E Luijendijk
Geophysical Research Letters 40 (12), 3042-3047, 2013
Evidence for long‐timescale (>103 years) changes in hydrothermal activity induced by seismic events
T Howald, M Person, A Campbell, V Lueth, A Hofstra, D Sweetkind, ...
Crustal Permeability, 260-274, 2012
The rapid yet uneven turnover of Earth's groundwater
KM Befus, S Jasechko, E Luijendijk, T Gleeson, M Bayani Cardenas
Geophysical Research Letters 44 (11), 5511-5520, 2017
Thermal state of the Roer Valley Graben, part of the European cenozoic rift system
E Luijendijk, M ter Voorde, R van Balen, H Verweij, E Simmelink
Basin Research 23 (1), 65-82, 2011
The 3D thermal field across the Alpine orogen and its forelands and the relation to seismicity
C Spooner, M Scheck-Wenderoth, M Cacace, HJ Götze, E Luijendijk
Global and Planetary Change 193, 103288, 2020
Reconstructing the Late Cretaceous inversion of the Roer Valley Graben (southern Netherlands) using a new model that integrates burial and provenance history with fission track …
E Luijendijk, RT Van Balen, M Ter Voorde, PAM Andriessen
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 116 (B6), 2011
Weichselian and Holocene climate history reflected in temperatures in the upper crust of the Netherlands
M Ter Voorde, R Van Balen, E Luijendijk, H Kooi
Netherlands Journal of Geosciences 93 (3), 107-117, 2014
Using thermal springs to quantify deep groundwater flow and its thermal footprint in the Alps and a comparison with North American orogens
E Luijendijk, T Winter, S Köhler, G Ferguson, C von Hagke, J Scibek
Geophysical Research Letters 47 (22), e2020GL090134, 2020
A numerical sensitivity study of how permeability, porosity, geological structure, and hydraulic gradient control the lifetime of a geothermal reservoir
JF Bauer, M Krumbholz, E Luijendijk, DC Tanner
Solid earth 10 (6), 2115-2135, 2019
Preliminary safety analyses in the high-level radioactive waste site selection procedure in Germany
EM Hoyer, E Luijendijk, P Müller, P Kreye, F Panitz, D Gawletta, ...
Advances in Geosciences 56, 67-75, 2021
The role of fluid flow in the thermal history of sedimentary basins: Inferences from thermochronology and numerical modeling in the Roer Valley Graben, southern Netherlands
E Luijendijk
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Articles 1–20