Ahmed Rassili
Ahmed Rassili
CRM Group
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A review on steel thixoforming
A Rassili, HV Atkinson
Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 20, s1048-s1054, 2010
Thixoforming steel
HV Atkinson
Shaker, 2010
Improvement in thixoforging of 7075 aluminium alloys at high solid fraction
G Vaneetveld, A Rassili, JC Pierret, J Lecomte-Beckers
Solid State Phenomena 141, 707-712, 2008
Friction coefficients evaluation for steel thixoforging
JC Pierret, A Rassili, G Vaneetveld, R Bigot, J Lecomte-Beckers
International Journal of Material Forming 3, 763-766, 2010
Thixoforging of 7075 aluminium alloys at high solid fraction
G Vaneetveld, A Rassili, J Lecomte-Beckers, HV Atkinson
Solid state phenomena 116, 762-765, 2006
Steel grades adapted to the thixoforging process: metallurgical structures and mechanical properties
M Robelet, A Rassili, D Fischer
Solid State Phenomena 116, 712-716, 2006
Thixoextrusion of A357 aluminium alloy
A Forn, G Vaneetveld, JC Pierret, S Menargues, MT Baile, M Campillo, ...
Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 20, s1005-s1009, 2010
A review of the semi-solid processing of steel
HV Atkinson, A Rassili
International Journal of Material Forming 3, 791-795, 2010
Study of the liquid fraction and thermophysical properties of semi-solid steels and application to the simulation of inductive heating for thixoforming
D Banabic, J Lecomte-Beckers, A Rassili, M Carton, M Robelet, R Koeune
Advanced Methods in Material Forming, 321-347, 2007
Conception of tooling adapted to thixoforging of high solid fraction hot-crack-sensitive aluminium alloys
G Vaneetveld, A Rassili, JC Pierret, J Lecomte-Beckers
Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 20 (9), 1712-1718, 2010
Determination of solidification parameters used for the prediction of the thixoformability of several steel alloys
J Lecomte-Beckers, A Rassili, M Robelet, C Poncin, R Koeune
Solid State Phenomena 116, 54-57, 2006
Series production of thixoformed steel parts
BA Behrens, D Fischer, B Haller, A Rassili, JC Pierret, H Klemm, ...
Solid State Phenomena 116, 686-689, 2006
NVH Analysis Techniques for Design and Optimisation of Hybrid and Electric Vehicles
A Rassili, N Campillo-Davo
COST Publication, 2016
Thixoforming of Steel: New tools conception to analyse thermal exchanges and strain rate effects
P Cezard, R Bigot, E Becker, S Mathieu, JC Pierret, A Rassili
AIP Conference Proceedings 907 (1), 1155-1160, 2007
Characterisation of thermophysical properties of semi-solid steels for thixoforming
J Lecomte-Beckers, A Rassili, M Carton, M Robelet
8th International Conference on Semi-Solid Processing of Alloys and …, 2004
NVH analysis techniques for design and optimization of hybrid and electric vehicles
E Parizet, K Janssens, P Poveda-Martínez, A Pereira, J Lorencki, ...
NVH analysis techniques for design and optimization of hybrid and electric …, 2016
X38CrMoV5 hot-work tool steel as tool material for thixoforging of steel: Numerical and experimental evaluation
A Rassili, JC Pierret, G Vaneetveld, J Halleux, G Walmag, ...
Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 20, s713-s718, 2010
Influence of parameters during induction heating cycle of 7075 aluminium alloys with RAP process
G Vaneetveld, A Rassili, HV Atkinson
Solid State Phenomena 141, 719-724, 2008
Simulation of adequate inductive heating parameters and the magneto-thermal coupling involved in the SSM processing of steels
A Rassili, C Geuzaine, W Legros, M Bobadilla, A Cucatto, M Robelet, ...
Extrusion tests of 7075 aluminium alloy at high solid fraction
G Vaneetveld, A Rassili, JC Pierret, J Lecomte-Beckers
International Journal of Material Forming 1, 1019-1022, 2008
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Articles 1–20