H. van Rijswick
H. van Rijswick
Hoogleraar waterrecht, Universiteit Utrecht
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Toward more flood resilience: Is a diversification of flood risk management strategies the way forward?
DLT Hegger, PPJ Driessen, M Wiering, HFMW Van Rijswick, ...
Ecology and Society 21 (4), 2016
The regional governance of climate adaptation: A framework for developing legitimate, effective, and resilient governance arrangements
C Termeer, A Dewulf, H Van Rijswick, A Van Buuren, D Huitema, ...
Climate law 2 (2), 159-179, 2011
Assessing stability and dynamics in flood risk governance: an empirically illustrated research approach
DLT Hegger, PPJ Driessen, C Dieperink, M Wiering, GTT Raadgever, ...
Water Resources Management 28, 4127-4142, 2014
Toward more resilient flood risk governance
PPJ Driessen, DLT Hegger, MHN Bakker, HFMW van Rijswick, ...
Ecology and Society 21 (4), 2016
The European Union approach to flood risk management and improving societal resilience: lessons from the implementation of the Floods Directive in six European countries
SJ Priest, C Suykens, HFMW Van Rijswick, T Schellenberger, S Goytia, ...
Ecology and Society 21 (4), 2016
European and Dutch water law
HFMW van Rijswick, HJM Havekes
UWA Publishing, 2012
Governance of the Sponge City Programme in China with Wuhan as a case study
L Dai, HFMW van Rijswick, PPJ Driessen, AM Keessen
Urban Resilience to Droughts and Floods, 106-124, 2020
EU water governance: striking the right balance between regulatory flexibility and enforcement?
OO Green, AS Garmestani, HFMW van Rijswick, AM Keessen
Ecology and Society 18 (2), 2013
Governance strategies for improving flood resilience in the face of climate change
PPJ Driessen, DLT Hegger, ZW Kundzewicz, HFMW Van Rijswick, ...
Water 10 (11), 1595, 2018
Uncertainty management strategies: Lessons from the regional implementation of the Water Framework Directive in the Netherlands
GT Raadgever, C Dieperink, PPJ Driessen, AAH Smit, H Van Rijswick
Environmental Science & Policy 14 (1), 64-75, 2011
Rainproof cities in the Netherlands: Approaches in Dutch water governance to climate-adaptive urban planning
L Dai, R Wörner, HFMW van Rijswick
International Journal of Water Resources Development 34 (4), 652-674, 2018
Untapped capacity for resilience in environmental law
A Garmestani, JB Ruhl, BC Chaffin, RK Craig, HFMW van Rijswick, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (40), 19899-19904, 2019
The concept of resilience from a normative perspective: examples from Dutch adaptation strategies
AM Keessen, JM Hamer, HFMW Van Rijswick, M Wiering
Ecology and Society 18 (2), 2013
Flood risk management in Europe: similarities and differences between the STAR-FLOOD consortium countries
DLT Hegger, C Green, PPJ Driessen, M Bakker, C Dieperink, A Crabbé, ...
STAR-FLOOD Consortium, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2013
Normative aspects of climate adaptation policies
PPJ Driessen, HFMW van Rijswick
Climate law 2 (4), 559-581, 2011
Dealing with flood damages: will prevention, mitigation, and ex post compensation provide for a resilient triangle?
C Suykens, SJ Priest, WJ van Doorn-Hoekveld, T Thuillier, M van Rijswick
Ecology and Society 21 (4), 2016
Enabling the contextualization of legal rules in responsive strategies to climate change
M Van Rijswick, W Salet
Ecology and Society 17 (2), 2012
Out of the comfort zone: institutional context and the scope for legitimate climate adaptation policy
J Tennekes, PPJ Driessen, HFMW Van Rijswick, L Van Bree
Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 16 (2), 241-259, 2014
Adaptation to climate change in European water law and policy
AM Keessen, HFMW van Rijswick
Utrecht Law Review, 38-50, 2012
Towards more effective water quality governance: A review of social-economic, legal and ecological perspectives and their interactions
S Wuijts, PPJ Driessen, HFMW Van Rijswick
Sustainability 10 (4), 914, 2018
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