Fedor Baart
Fedor Baart
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The state of the world’s beaches
A Luijendijk, G Hagenaars, R Ranasinghe, F Baart, G Donchyts, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 1-11, 2018
Earth's surface water change over the past 30 years
G Donchyts, F Baart, H Winsemius, N Gorelick, J Kwadijk, ...
Nature Climate Change 6 (9), 810-813, 2016
The effect of the 18.6-year lunar nodal cycle on regional sea-level rise estimates
F Baart, PH Van Gelder, J De Ronde, M Van Koningsveld, B Wouters
Journal of Coastal Research 28 (2), 511-516, 2012
The state of the World’s beaches. Sci Rep 8: 6641
A Luijendijk, G Hagenaars, R Ranasinghe, F Baart, G Donchyts, ...
Sea-level change in the Dutch Wadden Sea
BLA Vermeersen, ABA Slangen, T Gerkema, F Baart, KM Cohen, ...
Netherlands Journal of Geosciences 97 (3), 79-127, 2018
An automated method for semantic classification of regions in coastal images
BM Hoonhout, M Radermacher, F Baart, LJP Van der Maaten
Coastal Engineering 105, 1-12, 2015
Evaluating the impact of model complexity on flood wave propagation and inundation extent with a hydrologic–hydrodynamic model coupling framework
JM Hoch, D Eilander, H Ikeuchi, F Baart, HC Winsemius
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 19 (8), 1723-1735, 2019
GLOFRIM v1. 0–A globally applicable computational framework for integrated hydrological–hydrodynamic modelling
JM Hoch, JC Neal, F Baart, R Van Beek, HC Winsemius, PD Bates, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 10 (10), 3913-3929, 2017
Using 18th century storm-surge data from the Dutch Coast to improve the confidence in flood-risk estimates
F Baart, MAJ Bakker, A Van Dongeren, C Den Heijer, S Van Heteren, ...
Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci 11 (10), 2791-2801, 2011
Trends in sea-level trend analysis
F Baart, M Van Koningsveld, MJF Stive
Journal of Coastal Research 28 (2), 311-315, 2012
High-resolution surface water dynamics in Earth’s small and medium-sized reservoirs
G Donchyts, H Winsemius, F Baart, R Dahm, J Schellekens, N Gorelick, ...
Scientific reports 12 (1), 13776, 2022
Traditional vs. machine-learning methods for forecasting sandy shoreline evolution using historic satellite-derived shorelines
F Calkoen, A Luijendijk, CR Rivero, E Kras, F Baart
Remote Sensing 13 (5), 934, 2021
OpenEarth-inter-company management of: data, models, tools & knowledge
M Van Koningsveld, GJ De Boer, F Baart, T Damsma, C Den Heijer, ...
WODCON XIX: Dredging Makes the World a Better Place. World Organization of …, 2010
The Virtual River Game: Gaming using models to collaboratively explore river management complexity
RJ Den Haan, MC van der Voort, F Baart, KD Berends, MC Van Den Berg, ...
Environmental modelling & software 134, 104855, 2020
Assessment of dune failure along the Dutch coast using a fully probabilistic approach
CK den Heijer, F Baart, M van Koningsveld
Geomorphology 143, 95-103, 2012
Cascading effects of sustained low water on inland shipping
F Vinke, M van Koningsveld, C van Dorsser, F Baart, P Van Gelder, ...
Climate Risk Management 35, 100400, 2022
Morphological impact of a storm can be predicted three days ahead
F Baart, M van Ormondt, JSMT de Vries, M van Koningsveld
Computers & Geosciences 90, 17-23, 2016
Real-time forecasting of morphological storm impacts: a case study in the Netherlands
F Baart, T Van Der Kaaij, M Van Ormondt, A Van Dongeren, ...
Journal of coastal research, 1617-1621, 2009
Towards multi-objective optimization of large-scale fluvial landscaping measures
MW Straatsma, JM Fliervoet, JAH Kabout, F Baart, MG Kleinhans
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 19 (6), 1167-1187, 2019
Users’ perspectives about the potential usefulness of online storylines to communicate river research to a multi-disciplinary audience
VJ Cortes Arevalo, LNH Verbrugge, RJ Haan, F Baart, MC van der Voort, ...
Environmental Communication 13 (7), 909-925, 2019
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Articles 1–20