Melanie A. Sutton
Cited by
Cited by
Internet use and misuse: Preliminary findings from a new assessment instrument
RJ Rotunda, SJ Kass, MA Sutton, DT Leon
Behavior modification 27 (4), 484-504, 2003
Complementary and alternative medicine use among persons with multiple chronic conditions: results from the 2012 National Health Interview Survey
J Mbizo, A Okafor, MA Sutton, B Leyva, LM Stone, O Olaku
BMC complementary and alternative medicine 18, 1-12, 2018
Breast cancer detection using image processing techniques
TC Cahoon, MA Sutton, JC Bezdek
IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems 2, 973-976, 2000
On combining multiple classifiers by fuzzy templates
L Kuncheva, JC Bezdek, MA Sutton
IEEE Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society …, 1998
Multiresolution-based segmentation of calcifications for the early detection of breast cancer
S Sentelle, C Sentelle, MA Sutton
Real-Time Imaging 8 (3), 237-252, 2002
Image segmentation by fuzzy clustering: Methods and issues
MA Sutton
Handbook of Medical Image Processing and Analysis, 91-111, 2009
Image segmentation by fuzzy clustering: Methods and issues
MA Sutton, JC Bezdek, TC Cahoon
Handbook of Medical Imaging Processing and Analysis, 87-106, 2000
GRUFF-3: Generalizing the domain of a function-based recognition system
MA Sutton, L Stark, K Bowyer
Pattern Recognition 27 (12), 1743-1766, 1994
Function from visual analysis and physical interaction: A methodology for recognition of generic classes of objects
MA Sutton, L Stark, K Bowyer
Image and Vision Computing 16 (11), 745-763, 1998
Function-based generic recognition for multiple object categories
M Sutton, L Stark, K Bowyer
Three Dimensional Object Recognition Systems Volume 1, 447-470, 1993
Engaging faculty in the assessment process at the University of West Florida
EM El-Sheikh, J Mbizo, CJ Stanny, GL Stewart, MA Sutton, LJ White, ...
Coming to Terms with Student Outcomes Assessment: Faculty and Administrators …, 2010
Enhancement and analysis of digital mammograms using fuzzy models
MA Sutton, JC Bezdek
SPIE Applied Imagery and Pattern Recognition Workshop: Exploiting New Image …, 1998
Complementary and alternative medicine use by normal weight, overweight, and obese patients with arthritis or other musculoskeletal diseases
J Mbizo, A Okafor, MA Sutton, EN Burkhart, LM Stone
The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 22 (3), 227-236, 2016
Metabolic thermal sensitivity optimizes sea krait amphibious physiology
TF Dabruzzi, MA Sutton, WA Bennett
Herpetologica 68 (2), 218-225, 2012
Internet forewarning effects on ratings of attraction
DT Leon, RJ Rotunda, MA Sutton, C Schlossman
Computers in human behavior 19 (1), 39-57, 2003
Assessment in online programs: Use in strategic planning for faculty/adjunct development and course instruction to improve faculty and student engagement
MA Sutton, LJ White, J Mbizo, GL Stewart
International Journal on E-Learning 9 (1), 129-145, 2010
Image processing in medicine
JC Bezdek, MA Sutton
Practical Applications of Fuzzy Technologies, 363-416, 1999
Medical Informatics: Practical Guide for the Healthcare Professional 2008
RE Hoyt, M Sutton, A Yoshihashi
Lulu. com, 2008
Exploiting context in function-based reasoning
MA Sutton, L Stark, K Hughes
Sensor Based Intelligent Robots, 357-373, 2002
Applications of fuzzy systems
J Bezdek, M Sutton
Image Process Med, 363-416, 1999
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Articles 1–20