Arnaud Temme
Cited by
Cited by
Linking landscape morphological complexity and sediment connectivity
JEM Baartman, R Masselink, SD Keesstra, AJAM Temme
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 38 (12), 1457-1471, 2013
Do landslides follow landslides? Insights in path dependency from a multi-temporal landslide inventory
J Samia, A Temme, A Bregt, J Wallinga, F Guzzetti, F Ardizzone, M Rossi
Landslides 14 (2), 547-558, 2017
Mapping and modelling of changes in agricultural intensity in Europe
A Temme, PH Verburg
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 140 (1-2), 46-56, 2011
A comparison of supervised, unsupervised and synthetic land use classification methods in the north of Iran
M Mohammady, HR Moradi, H Zeinivand, A Temme
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 12, 1515-1526, 2015
Developing a methodology for a species-based and spatially explicit indicator for biodiversity on agricultural land in the EU
KP Overmars, CJE Schulp, R Alkemade, PH Verburg, AJAM Temme, ...
Ecological Indicators 37, 186-198, 2014
A network theory approach for a better understanding of overland flow connectivity
RJH Masselink, T Heckmann, AJAM Temme, NS Anders, HPA Gooren, ...
Hydrological Processes 31 (1), 207-220, 2017
S‐world: A global soil map for environmental modelling
JJ Stoorvogel, M Bakkenes, AJAM Temme, NH Batjes, BJE ten Brink
Land Degradation & Development 28 (1), 22-33, 2017
Characterization and quantification of path dependency in landslide susceptibility
J Samia, A Temme, A Bregt, J Wallinga, F Guzzetti, F Ardizzone, M Rossi
Geomorphology 292, 16-24, 2017
Assessing hillslope-channel connectivity in an agricultural catchment using rare-earth oxide tracers and random forests models
RH Masselink, A Temme, R Giménez Díaz, J Casalí Sarasíbar, ...
Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica 2017, nº 43 (1), pp. 19-39, 2017
Modelling discharge and sediment yield at catchment scale using connectivity components
RJH Masselink, SD Keesstra, AJAM Temme, M Seeger, R Giménez, ...
Land Degradation & Development 27 (4), 933-945, 2016
Geostatistical simulation and error propagation in geomorphometry
AJAM Temme, GBM Heuvelink, JM Schoorl, L Claessens
Developments in soil science 33, 121-140, 2009
Algorithm for dealing with depressions in dynamic landscape evolution models
AJAM Temme, JM Schoorl, A Veldkamp
Computers & Geosciences 32 (4), 452-461, 2006
LORICA–A new model for linking landscape and soil profile evolution: Development and sensitivity analysis
AJAM Temme, T Vanwalleghem
Computers & Geosciences 90, 131-143, 2016
Assessment of recent tectonic activity on the NW Iberian Atlantic Margin by means of geomorphic indices and field studies of the Lower Miño River terraces
W Viveen, RT Van Balen, JM Schoorl, A Veldkamp, A Temme, ...
Tectonophysics 544, 13-30, 2012
Evaluating the hydrological component of the new catchment-scale sediment delivery model LAPSUS-D
SD Keesstra, A Temme, JM Schoorl, SM Visser
Geomorphology 212, 97-107, 2014
Changes in agricultural land use affecting future soil redistribution patterns: a case study in southern Tuscany (Italy)
M Debolini, JM Schoorl, A Temme, M Galli, E Bonari
Land Degradation & Development 26 (6), 574-586, 2015
Multi‐process Late Quaternary landscape evolution modelling reveals lags in climate response over small spatial scales
A Temme, A Veldkamp
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 34 (4), 573-589, 2009
Implementing landslide path dependency in landslide susceptibility modelling
J Samia, A Temme, AK Bregt, J Wallinga, J Stuiver, F Guzzetti, ...
Landslides 15, 2129-2144, 2018
On the role of hydrologic processes in soil and landscape evolution modeling: concepts, complications and partial solutions
WM Van der Meij, AJAM Temme, HS Lin, HH Gerke, M Sommer
Earth-Science Reviews 185, 1088-1106, 2018
Fluvial response to Holocene volcanic damming and breaching in the Gediz and Geren rivers, western Turkey
W van Gorp, A Veldkamp, A Temme, D Maddy, T Demir, T van der Schriek, ...
Geomorphology 201, 430-448, 2013
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Articles 1–20