Sam Jelfs
Sam Jelfs
Research Scientist
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The Technology of Binaural Listening
A Kohlrausch, J Braasch, D Kolossa, J Blauert, P Søndergaard, P Majdak, ...
Springer, Berlin, 2013
Noise in the intensive care unit and its influence on sleep quality: a multicenter observational study in Dutch intensive care units
KS Simons, E Verweij, PMC Lemmens, S Jelfs, M Park, PE Spronk, ...
Critical Care 22 (1), 1-8, 2018
An audio apparatus and method therefor
AS Harma, SM Jelfs, WPJ De Bruijn
US Patent App. 14/760,297, 2014
Revision and validation of a binaural model for speech intelligibility in noise
S Jelfs, JF Culling, M Lavandier
Hearing research 275 (1), 96-104, 2011
The benefit of bilateral versus unilateral cochlear implantation to speech intelligibility in noise
JF Culling, S Jelfs, A Talbert, JA Grange, SS Backhouse
Ear and hearing 33 (6), 673-682, 2012
Binaural prediction of speech intelligibility in reverberant rooms with multiple noise sources
M Lavandier, S Jelfs, JF Culling, AJ Watkins, AP Raimond, SJ Makin
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 131 (1), 218-231, 2012
Systems and methods for reducing the impact of alarm sounds on patients
AG Kohlrausch, T Falck, MH Park, SM Jelfs, K Leuschner
US Patent 9,693,739, 2017
Sensor system and method which makes use of multiple PPG sensors
SM Jelfs, JH Gelissen, R Haakma, LJ Huijbregts, APJM Rommers
US Patent 10,682,083, 2020
Sensor system and method which makes use of multiple PPG sensors
SM Jelfs, JH Gelissen, R Haakma, LJ Huijbregts, APJM Rommers
US Patent 10,682,082, 2020
Cognitive disruption by noise-vocoded speech stimuli: Effects of spectral variation
TU Senan, S Jelfs, A Kohlrausch
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 143 (3), 1407-1416, 2018
Predicting binaural speech intelligibility in architectural acoustics
JF Culling, M Lavandier, S Jelfs
The technology of binaural listening, 427-447, 2013
Deriving a cortisol-related stress indicator from wearable skin conductance measurements: Quantitative model & experimental validation
JHDM Westerink, RJE Rajae-Joordens, M Ouwerkerk, M van Dooren, ...
Frontiers in Computer Science 2, 39, 2020
Prediction of reverberant speech intelligibility against multiple noise interferers in rooms: Binaural useful‐to‐detrimental ratios.
M Lavandier, JF Culling, S Jelfs
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 128 (4), 2361-2361, 2010
Apparatus and method for improving the audibility of specific sounds to a user
AG Kohlrausch, MH Park, SM Jelfs, T Falck
US Patent 9,799,210, 2017
Spectral and temporal features as the estimators of the irrelevant speech effect
TU Senan, M Park, A Kohlrausch, S Jelfs, RF Navarro
Proceedings of Euronoise 2015, 1925-1930, 2015
Erratum: Cognitive disruption by noise-vocoded speech stimuli: Effects of spectral variation [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 143(3), 1407–1416 (2018)]
T Senan, S Jelfs, A Kohlrausch
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 144 (3), 1330-1330, 2018
Modelling the cocktail party: a binaural model for speech intelligibility in noise
S Jelfs
Cardiff University, 2011
Mapping speech intelligibility in noisy rooms
JF Culling, S Jelfs, M Lavandier
Audio Engineering Society Convention 128, 2010
Method and device for effective audible alarm settings
S De Waele, MH Park, AG Kohlrausch, AC Den Brinker, SM Jelfs, ...
US Patent App. 15/536,686, 2017
An alternative perspective on multi-channel reproduction
JF Culling, S Jelfs, M Lavandier
Performing Arts Venue: Balancing the Design, REPRODUCED SOUND 2010, 99-105, 2010
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Articles 1–20