Rene M. Bakker
Rene M. Bakker
Full Professor of Inclusive Entrepreneurship and Work, Tilburg University
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Taking stock of temporary organizational forms: A systematic review and research agenda
RM Bakker
International Journal of Management Reviews 12 (4), 466-486, 2010
Temporary organizing: Promises, processes, problems
RM Bakker, RJ DeFillippi, A Schwab, J Sydow
Organization Studies 37 (12), 1703-1719, 2016
Managing the project learning paradox: A set-theoretic approach toward project knowledge transfer
RM Bakker, B Cambré, L Korlaar, J Raab
International Journal of Project Management 29 (5), 494-503, 2011
It's only temporary: time frame and the dynamics of creative project teams
RM Bakker, S Boroş, P Kenis, LAG Oerlemans
British Journal of Management 24 (3), 383-397, 2013
A preliminary theory of dark network resilience
RM Bakker, J Raab, HB Milward
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 31 (1), 33–62, 2012
Pull the plug or take the plunge: Multiple opportunities and the speed of venturing decisions in the Australian mining industry
RM Bakker, D Shepherd
Academy of Management Journal 60 (1), 1-26, 2017
Back to the future: A time-calibrated theory of entrepreneurial action
MS Wood, RM Bakker, G Fisher
Academy of Management Review (Forthcoming), 2021
Stepping in and stepping out: Strategic alliance partner re‐configuration and the unplanned termination of complex projects
RM Bakker
Strategic Management Journal 37 (9), 1919–1941, 2016
Built to last or meant to end: Intertemporal choice in strategic alliance portfolios
RM Bakker, J Knoben
Organization Science 26 (1), 256–276, 2015
The nature and prevalence of inter-organizational project ventures: Evidence from a large scale field study in the Netherlands 2006–2009
RM Bakker, J Knoben, N De Vries, LAG Oerlemans
International Journal of Project Management 29 (6), 781-794, 2011
Time is of the essence: Improving the conceptualization and measurement of time
H Aguinis, RM Bakker
Human Resource Management Review (Forthcoming), 2021
Research on temporary organizations: The state of the art and distinct approaches toward ‘temporariness’
M Janowicz-Panjaitan, RM Bakker, P Kenis
Temporary Organizations: Prevalence, Logic and Effectiveness, 56-85, 2009
Inclusive entrepreneurship: A call for a shared theoretical conversation about unconventional entrepreneurs
RM Bakker, JS McMullen
Journal of Business Venturing 38 (1), 106268, 2023
Time matters: The impact of ‘temporariness’ on the functioning and performance of organizations
RM Bakker, M Janowicz-Panjaitan
Temporary Organizations: Prevalence, Logic and Effectiveness, 121-141, 2009
The guppy and the whale: Relational pluralism and start-ups' expropriation dilemma in partnership formation
J Knoben, RM Bakker
Journal of Business Venturing 34 (1), 103-121, 2018
Cognitive factors in entrepreneurial strategic decision making
RM Bakker, P Curseu, P Vermeulen
Cognition, Brain, Behaviour 11 (1), 195-219, 2007
More than just a number? The conceptualization and measurement of firm age in an era of temporary organizations
RM Bakker, M Josefy
Academy of Management Annals 12 (2), 510-536, 2018
The resource dilemma of temporary organizations: A dynamic perspective on temporal embeddedness and resource discretion
RM Bakker, B Cambré, KG Provan
Temporary Organizations: Prevalence, Logic and Effectiveness, 201-217, 2009
Strategy in 3D: Essential tools to diagnose, decide, and deliver
GC Fisher, JE Wisneski, RM Bakker
Oxford University Press, 2020
The psychology of entrepreneurial strategic decisions
PL Curseu, PAM Vermeulen, RM Bakker
Entrepreneurial Strategic Decision-Making: A Cognitive Perspective, 41-67, 2008
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Articles 1–20