The informational component E Vallduví Garland Publishers, 1992 | 2328 | 1992 |
The linguistic realization of information packaging (reprint; with introduction) E Vallduví, E Engdahl Linguistics 51 (Jubilee), 19-20, 2013 | 924* | 2013 |
The linguistic realization of information packaging E Vallduví, E Engdahl Linguistics 34 (3), 459-520, 1996 | 924 | 1996 |
On rheme and kontrast E Vallduví, M Vilkuna The Limits of Syntax (Syntax and Semantics 29), 79-108, 1998 | 713 | 1998 |
Polarity items, n-words, and minimizers in Catalan and Spanish E Vallduví Probus 6, 263-294, 1994 | 222 | 1994 |
Information packaging in HPSG E Engdahl, E Vallduví Edinburgh Working Papers in Cognitive Science 12, 1-32, 1996 | 208 | 1996 |
Information packaging: A survey E Vallduví Research Paper HCRC/RP-44 (Report for Workshop on Word Order, Prosody, and …, 1993 | 173* | 1993 |
Structural properties of information packaging in Catalan E Vallduví Discourse Configurational Languages, 122-152, 1995 | 160 | 1995 |
L’oració com a unitat informativa E Vallduví Gramàtica del català contemporani, vol. 2, 1221-1279, 2002 | 147 | 2002 |
The role of plasticity in the association of focus and prominence E Vallduví Eastern States Conference in Linguistics 7, 295-306, 1991 | 146 | 1991 |
Accenting phenomena, association with focus, and the recursiveness of focus-ground E Vallduví, R Zacharski Proceedings of the Ninth Amsterdam Colloquium, 683-702, 1994 | 112 | 1994 |
The dynamics of information packaging E Vallduví Integrating information structure into constraint-based and categorial …, 1994 | 101* | 1994 |
Information packaging and grammar architecture: A constraint-based approach E Engdahl, E Vallduví Integrating Information Structure into Constraint-based and Categorial …, 1994 | 92 | 1994 |
Detachment in Catalan and information packaging E Vallduví Journal of pragmatics 22 (6), 573-601, 1994 | 82 | 1994 |
A preverbal landing site for quantificational operators E Vallduví Catalan Working Papers in Linguistics 2, 319-343, 1992 | 80 | 1992 |
Information structure E Vallduví The Cambridge handbook of formal semantics, 728-755, 2016 | 58* | 2016 |
Catalan as VOS: Evidence from information packaging E Vallduví Linguistic Perspectives in the Romance Languages, 335-350, 1993 | 57* | 1993 |
Information packaging and grammar architecture E Vallduví, E Engdahl North East Linguistic Society 25, 519-534, 1995 | 32 | 1995 |
Focus constructions in Catalan E Vallduví Theoretical Analyses in Romance Linguistics, 457-479, 1992 | 30 | 1992 |
A multilingual annotated corpus for the study of information structure L Brunetti, S Bott, J Costa, E Vallduví Grammatik und Korpora 2009, 305-327, 2011 | 29* | 2011 |