Victor Toom
Victor Toom
Scientific staff, Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR)
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The Prüm regime: Situated dis/empowerment in transnational DNA profile exchange
B Prainsack, V Toom
The British Journal of Criminology 50 (6), 1117-1135, 2010
Approaching ethical, legal and social issues of emerging forensic DNA phenotyping (FDP) technologies comprehensively: Reply to ‘Forensic DNA phenotyping: Predicting human …
V Toom, M Wienroth, A M’charek, B Prainsack, R Williams, T Duster, ...
Forensic Science International: Genetics, e1-e4, 2016
Performing the Union: The Prüm Decision and the European dream
B Prainsack, V Toom
Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 44 …, 2013
The trouble with race in forensic identification
A M’charek, V Toom, L Jong
Science, Technology, & Human Values 45 (5), 804-828, 2020
Bodies of science and law: Forensic DNA profiling, biological bodies, and biopower
V Toom
Journal of Law and Society 39 (1), 150-166, 2012
Bracketing off population does not advance ethical reflection on EVCs: A reply to Kayser and Schneider
A M’charek, V Toom, B Prainsack
Forensic Science International: Genetics 6 (1), e16-e17, 2012
The Prüm decisions as an aspirational regime: Reviewing a decade of cross-border exchange and comparison of forensic DNA data
V Toom, R Granja, A Ludwig
Forensic Science International: Genetics 41, 50-57, 2019
Cross-border exchange and comparison of forensic DNA data in the context of the Prüm decision
V Toom
Brussels: European Parliament, 2018
Whose Body Is It? Technolegal Materialization of Victims’ Bodies and Remains after the World Trade Center Terrorist Attacks
V Toom
Science, Technology & Human Values 41 (4), 686-708, 2016
Forensic DNA databases in England and the Netherlands: governance, structure and performance compared
V Toom
New Genetics and Society 31 (3), 311-322, 2012
Inquisitorial forensic DNA profiling in the Netherlands and the expansion of the forensic genetic body
V Toom
Cambridge University Press, 2010
Finding closure, continuing bonds, and codentification after the 9/11 attacks
V Toom
Medical Anthropology 37 (4), 267-279, 2018
Dragers van waarheid: Twintig Jaar Forenisch DNA-onderzoek in Nederland
V Toom
Kluwer, 2011
Hidden in full sight: Kinship, science and the law in the after- math of the Srebrenica genocide
E Haimes, V Toom
New Genetics and Society 33 (3), 277-294, 2014
Ontologically dirty knots: The production of numbers after the Srebrenica genocide
V Toom
Security Dialogue 51 (4), 358-376, 2020
Open letter on critical approaches to forensic DNA phenotyping and biogeographical ancestry
V Lipphardt, V Toom, AC Mupepele, T Lemke
Retrieved on 10, 2018
5. Mourning Missing Migrants
G Mirto, S Robins, K Horsti, PJ Prickett, DR Verduzco, V Toom
Border Deaths, 103, 2020
Trumping communitarianism: crime control and forensic DNA typing and databasing in Singapore
V Toom
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal 8 (3 …, 2014
DNA fingerprinting and the right to inviolability of the body and bodily integrity in the Netherlands: convincing evidence and proliferating body parts
V Toom
Genomics, Society and Policy 2 (3), 64, 2006
Law, Practice and Politics of Forensic DNA Profiling: Forensic Genetics and Their Technolegal Worlds
V Toom, M Wienroth, A M’charek
Taylor & Francis, 2023
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