Ana Isabel Barros
Ana Isabel Barros
Andere namenA.I. Martins Botto de Barros
Principal Scientist TNO / Applied Research Professor Intelligence Police Academy
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A two-level network for recycling sand: a case study
AI Barros, R Dekker, V Scholten
European Journal of Operational Research 110 (2), 199-214, 1998
Robust UAV Mission Planning
L Evers, T Dollevoet, AI Barros, H Monsuur
Annals of Operations Research, 2012
A new algorithm for generalized fractional programs
AI Barros, JBG Frenk, S Schaible, S Zhang
Mathematical programming 72 (2), 147-175, 1996
Discrete and fractional programming techniques for location models
AI Barros
Springer Science & Business Media, 1998
Online Stochastic UAV Mission Planning with Time Windows and Time-Sensitive Targets
L Evers, AI Barros, H Monsuur, A Wagelmans
European Journal of Operational Research 238 (1), 348–362, 2014
A Two-Stage Approach to the Orienteering Problem with Stochastic Weights
L Evers, K Glorie, S van der Ster, AI Barros, H Monsuur
Computers and Operations Research, 2013
A general model for the uncapacitated facility and depot location problem
AI Barros, M Labbé
Location science 2, 173-191, 1994
Relieving the elicitation burden of Bayesian Belief Networks
BW Wisse, SP Van Gosliga, NP Van Elst, AI Barros
Sixth Bayesian Modelling Applications Workshop on UAI 26, 2008
Emergence of protests during the COVID-19 pandemic: quantitative models to explore the contributions of societal conditions
K van der Zwet, AI Barros, TM van Engers, PMA &Sloot
Humanities and social sciences communications 9 (8), 1-11, 2022
Generalized fractional programming and cutting plane algorithms
AI Barros, JBG Frenk
Journal of optimization theory and applications 87 (1), 103-120, 1995
A spare parts model with cold-standby redundancy on system level
KS de Smidt-Destombes, NP Van Elst, A Isabel Barros, H Mulder, ...
Computers & Operations Research 38 (7), 985-991, 2011
Using duality to solve generalized fractional programming problems
AI Barros, JBG Frenk, S Schaible, S Zhang
Journal of Global Optimization 8 (2), 139-170, 1996
The multi-level uncapacitated facility location problem is not submodular
AI Barros, M Labbé
European journal of operational research 72 (3), 607-609, 1994
Discrete and fractional programming techniques for location models
AIMB Barros
Thesis Publishers, 1995
A New Model Proposal for Integrated Satellite Constellation Scheduling within a Planning Horizon given Operational Constraints
MJ Pinto, AI Barros, R Noomen, PHAJM van Gelder, TL Tessensohn
7th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems …, 2018
UAV Mission Planning: From Robust to Agile
L Evers, AI Barros, H Monsuur, A Wagelmans
Military Logistics, 1-17, 2015
The Cooperative Ballistic Missile Defence Game
L Evers, AI Barros, H Monsuur
Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences series 8252 (2013), 85-98, 2013
An Interdiction Game on a Queueing Network with Multiple Intruders
CM Laan, T van der Mijden, AI Barros, H Monsuur, RJ Boucherie
European Journal of Operational Research, 2017
Optimizing a general optimal replacement model by fractional programming techniques
AI Barros, R Dekker, JBG Frenk, S Van Weeren
Journal of Global Optimization 10 (4), 405-423, 1997
An Agent-Based Model for Emergent Opponent Behavior
K van der Zwet, AI Barros, TM van Engers, B van der Vecht
International Conference on Computational Science, 290-303, 2019
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