Joost Oude Groeniger
Joost Oude Groeniger
Assistant Professor, Erasmus University Rotterdam
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Cited by
Sleep characteristics across the lifespan in 1.1 million people from the Netherlands, United Kingdom and United States: a systematic review and meta-analysis
D Kocevska, TS Lysen, A Dotinga, ME Koopman-Verhoeff, MPCM Luijk, ...
Nature human behaviour, 1-10, 2020
Differences between Men and Women in Treatment and Outcome after Traumatic Brain Injury
A Mikolić, D van Klaveren, J Oude Groeniger, EJA Wiegers, HF Lingsma, ...
Journal of Neurotrauma 38 (2), 235-251, 2021
Dutch COVID-19 lockdown measures increased trust in government and trust in science: A difference-in-differences analysis
J Oude Groeniger, K Noordzij, J van der Waal, W de Koster
Social Science & Medicine, 113819, 2021
Urban population density and mortality in a compact Dutch city: 23-year follow-up of the Dutch GLOBE study
MA Beenackers, J Oude Groeniger, CBM Kamphuis, FJ Van Lenthe
Health & place 53, 79-85, 2018
Does social distinction contribute to socioeconomic inequalities in diet: the case of ‘superfoods’ consumption
J Oude Groeniger, FJ van Lenthe, MA Beenackers, CBM Kamphuis
international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity 14 (1), 1-7, 2017
The role of financial strain and self-control in explaining health behaviours: the GLOBE study
MA Beenackers, J Oude Groeniger, FJ van Lenthe, CBM Kamphuis
The European Journal of Public Health 28 (4), 597-603, 2018
Longitudinal effects of urban green space on walking and cycling: A fixed effects analysis
M Hogendorf, J Oude Groeniger, JM Noordzij, MA Beenackers, ...
Health & place 61, 102264, 2020
Effect of changes in green spaces on mental health in older adults: a fixed effects analysis
JM Noordzij, MA Beenackers, J Oude Groeniger, FJ Van Lenthe
J Epidemiol Community Health 74 (1), 48-56, 2020
Material, behavioural, cultural and psychosocial factors in the explanation of socioeconomic inequalities in oral health
D Duijster, J Oude Groeniger, GJMG Van Der Heijden, FJ van Lenthe
The European Journal of Public Health 28 (4), 590-597, 2018
Are socio-economic inequalities in diet and physical activity a matter of social distinction? A cross-sectional study
J Oude Groeniger, CBM Kamphuis, JP Mackenbach, MA Beenackers, ...
International journal of public health 64 (7), 1037-1047, 2019
Does cultural capital contribute to educational inequalities in food consumption in the Netherlands? A cross-sectional analysis of the GLOBE-2011 survey
CBM Kamphuis, J Oude Groeniger, FJ van Lenthe
International journal for equity in health 17 (1), 1-12, 2018
Repeatedly measured material and behavioral factors changed the explanation of socioeconomic inequalities in all-cause mortality
J Oude Groeniger, CB Kamphuis, JP Mackenbach, FJ van Lenthe
Journal of clinical epidemiology 91, 137-145, 2017
The moderating role of self-control and financial strain in the relation between exposure to the food environment and obesity: the GLOBE study
JD Mackenbach, MA Beenackers, JM Noordzij, J Oude Groeniger, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (4), 674, 2019
Het terugdringen van gezondheidsachterstanden: een systematisch overzicht van kansrijke en effectieve interventies
MA Beenackers, WJ Nusselder, J Oude Groeniger, FJ Van Lenthe
Rotterdam: Erasmus MC Universitair Medisch Centrum Rotterdam, 2015
How does bridging social capital relate to health-behavior, overweight and obesity among low and high educated groups? A cross-sectional analysis of GLOBE-2014
CBM Kamphuis, J Oude Groeniger, MP Poelman, MA Beenackers, ...
BMC public health 19 (1), 1-11, 2019
What’s the difference? A gender perspective on understanding educational inequalities in all-cause and cause-specific mortality
K van Hedel, FJ van Lenthe, J Oude Groeniger, JP Mackenbach
BMC public health 18 (1), 1-14, 2018
The role of the built environment in explaining educational inequalities in walking and cycling among adults in the Netherlands
DC van Wijk, J Oude Groeniger, FJ van Lenthe, CBM Kamphuis
International journal of health geographics 16 (1), 1-12, 2017
Time-varying effects of screen media exposure in the relationship between socioeconomic background and childhood obesity
J Oude Groeniger, W de Koster, J van der Waal
Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.) 31 (4), 578, 2020
Working conditions and health behavior as causes of educational inequalities in self-rated health: An inverse odds weighting approach
JLD Schram, J Oude Groeniger, M Schuring, KI Proper, SH van Oostrom, ...
Scand. J. Work Environ. Health, 2020
Explaining outcome differences between men and women following mild traumatic brain injury
A Mikolic, J Oude Groeniger, M Zeldovich, L Wilson, JR van Lennep, ...
Journal of Neurotrauma 38 (23), 3315-3331, 2021
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Articles 1–20