Tinus Pulles
Tinus Pulles
TNO Climate, Air and Sustainability, retired
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2006 IPCC guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories
HS Eggleston, L Buendia, K Miwa, T Ngara, K Tanabe
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IGES, Japan, 2006
IPCC guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories, Energy
A Garg, T Pulles
Unknown city: Unknown Publishing 2, 2006
Emission factors for heavy metals from diesel and petrol used in European vehicles
T Pulles, HD van der Gon, W Appelman, M Verheul
Atmospheric Environment 61, 641-651, 2012
Absorbance changes due to the charge-accumulating species in System 2 of photosynthesis
MPJ Pulles, HJ van Gorkom, JG Willemsen
Biophys. Acta 449, 536-540, 1976
Inhibition of the reoxidation of the secondary electron acceptor of Photosystem II by bicarbonate depletion
Govindjee, MPJ Pulles, R Govindjee, HJ Van Gorkom, LNM Duysens
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics 449 (3), 602-605, 1976
Primary reactions of photosystem II at low pH. 2. Light-induced changes of absorbance and electron spin resonance in spinach chloroplasts
MPJ Pulles, HJ Van Gorkom, GAM Verschoor
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics 440 (1), 98-106, 1976
Light-induced changes of absorbance and electron spin resonance in small photosystem II particles
HJ Van Gorkom, MPJ Pulles, JSC Wessels
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics 408 (3), 331-339, 1975
Coping with odour annoyance and odour concentrations: three field studies
PM Cavalini, LG Koeter-Kemmerling, MPJ Pulles
Journal of Environmental Psychology 11 (2), 123-142, 1991
REanalysis of the TROpospheric chemical composition over the past 40 years (RETRO)–A long-term global modeling study of tropospheric chemistry
MG Schultz, L Backman, Y Balkanski, S Bjoerndalsaeter, R Brand, ...
Final Report, Jülich/Hamburg, Germany 2007, 2007
Assessment of global emissions from fuel combustion in the final decades of the 20th Century
T Pulles, M van het Bolscher, R Brand, A Visschedijk
TNO Rep. 2007-A-R0132B, 2007
Guidance report on preliminary assessment under EC air quality directives
R Van Aalst, L Edwards, T Pulles, E De Saeger, M Tombrou, D Tonnesen
European Environment Agency, 1998
Air pollution in Europe 1997
A Jol, G Kielland, E Berge, J Beck, S Larssen, N Moussiopoulos, T Pulles
Adverse effects of environmental noise on health: an interdisciplinary approach
MPJ Pulles, W Biesiot, R Stewart
Environment International 16 (4-6), 437-445, 1990
The mechanism of reduction of the ubiquinone pool in photosynthetic bacteria at different redox potentials
BG De Grooth, R Van Grondelle, JC Romijn, MPJ Pulles
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics 503 (3), 480-490, 1978
The Art of Emission Inventorying
T Pulles, D Heslinga
TNO, Utrecht, 2009
Coordinated European particulate matter emission inventory program (CEPMEIP)
AJH Visschedijk, J Pacyna, T Pulles, P Zandveld, H Denier van der Gon
Proceedings of the PM emission inventories scientific workshop, Lago …, 2004
Emission data sets and methodologies for estimating emissions
M Schultz, S Rast, M van het Bolscher, T Pulles, R Brand, J Pereira, ...
Final Report, Jülich/Hamburg, Germany, 2007
Light-induced changes of fluorescence and absorbance in spinach chloroplasts at− 40° C
J Amesz, MPJ Pulles, BR Velthuys
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics 325 (3), 472-482, 1973
Primary reactions of photosystem II at low pH. I. Prompt and delayed fluorescence
HJ van Gorkom, MPJ Pulles, J Haveman, GA Den Haan
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics 423 (2), 217-226, 1976
Application of the emission inventory model TEAM: Uncertainties in dioxin emission estimates for central Europe
T Pulles, H Kok, U Quass
Atmospheric environment 40 (13), 2321-2332, 2006
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