Ann B Kallin
Ann B Kallin
Department of Physics, University of Waterloo
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Measuring renyi entanglement entropy in quantum monte carlo simulations
MB Hastings, I González, AB Kallin, RG Melko
Physical Review Letters 104 (15), 157201, 2010
Anomalies in the entanglement properties of the square-lattice Heisenberg model
AB Kallin, MB Hastings, RG Melko, RRP Singh
Physical Review B 84 (16), 165134, 2011
Entanglement at a Two-Dimensional Quantum Critical Point: a Numerical Linked Cluster Expansion Study
AB Kallin, K Hyatt, RRP Singh, RG Melko
Physical Review Letters 110 (13), 135702, 2013
Finite-size scaling of mutual information in Monte Carlo simulations: Application to the spin-1/2 XXZ model
RG Melko, AB Kallin, MB Hastings
Physical Review B 82 (10), 100409, 2010
Corner contribution to the entanglement entropy of an O (3) quantum critical point in 2+ 1 dimensions
AB Kallin, EM Stoudenmire, P Fendley, RRP Singh, RG Melko
J. Stat. Mech. 2014 (June), P06009, 2014
Finite-Temperature Critical Behavior of Mutual Information
RRP Singh, MB Hastings, AB Kallin, RG Melko
Physical Review Letters 106 (13), 135701, 2011
Entanglement scaling in two-dimensional gapless systems
H Ju, AB Kallin, P Fendley, MB Hastings, RG Melko
Physical Review B 85 (16), 165121, 2012
Detecting classical phase transitions with Renyi mutual information
J Iaconis, S Inglis, AB Kallin, RG Melko
Physical Review B 87 (12), 195134, 2013
Valence bond and von neumann entanglement entropy in heisenberg ladders
AB Kallin, I González, MB Hastings, RG Melko
Physical Review Letters 103 (11), 117203, 2009
Diagonal and collinear incommensurate spin structures in underdoped La_ {2− x} Ba_ {x} CuO_ {4}
SR Dunsiger, Y Zhao, BD Gaulin, Y Qiu, P Bourges, Y Sidis, JRD Copley, ...
Physical Review B 78 (9), 092507, 2008
Two-dimensional incommensurate and three-dimensional commensurate magnetic order and fluctuations in
JJ Wagman, GV Gastel, KA Ross, Z Yamani, Y Zhao, Y Qiu, JRD Copley, ...
Physical Review B 88 (1), 014412, 2013
Computational Methods for the Measurement of Entanglement in Condensed Matter Systems
AB Kallin
University of Waterloo, 2014
Measuring entanglement entropy in valence bond quantum monte carlo simulations
AB Kallin
University of Waterloo, 2010
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Articles 1–13