Daniel W. Salter
Cited by
Cited by
The effect of gender, ethnicity, and income on college students' use of communication technologies
R Junco, D Merson, DW Salter
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 13 (6), 619-627, 2010
A longitudinal study of learning style preferences on the Myers-Briggs type indicator and learning style inventory
DS Forney, DW Salter, NJ Evans
Journal of College Student Development 47 (2), 173-184, 2006
Women's views of the factors that encourage and discourage classroom participation
A Persaud, DW Salter
Journal of College Student Development 44 (6), 831-844, 2003
Improving the campus climate for students with disabilities through the use of online training
R Junco, DW Salter
Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice 41 (2), 4, 2004
Exploring the" chilly classroom" phenomenon as interactions between psychological and environmental types
DW Salter
Journal of College Student Development 44 (1), 110-121, 2003
Two approaches to examining the stability of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator scores
DW Salter, DS Forney, NJ Evans
Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development 37 (4), 208-219, 2005
Test-retest of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator: An examination of dominant functioning
DW Salter, NJ Evans, DS Forney
Educational and Psychological Measurement 57 (4), 590-597, 1997
One university's approach to defining and supporting professional doctorates
DW Salter
Studies in Higher Education 38 (8), 1175-1184, 2013
Campus social climate correlates of environmental type dimensions
DW Salter, R Junco, DS Irvin
NASPA Journal 41 (4), 742-759, 2004
Salter Environmental Type Assessment
DW Salter
Consulting Psychologists Press, 2000
SETA Manual: A user's guide to the Salter Environmental Type Assessment
DW Salter
Consulting Psychologists Press, 2000
Understanding Women's Perceptions of ClassroomFit'and Participation as Interactions Between Psychological and Environmental Types
A Persaud, DW Salter
Journal of Classroom Interaction 38 (2), 1-10, 2003
A validity study of the Salter Environmental Type Assessment
DW Salter
Journal of Career Assessment 10 (4), 428-440, 2002
Measuring Small-Group Environments
DW Salter, R Junco
Educational and psychological measurement 67 (3), 475-486, 2007
Campuses at the Digital Divide.
DW Salter
About Campus 5 (6), 24-26, 2001
Online doctoral student research and writing self-efficacy in a publishing internship
LM Stadtlander, A Sickel, DW Salter
Higher Learning Research Communications 10 (1), 78-89, 2020
Log-Linear Techniques for the Analysis of Categorical Data: A Demonstration with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.
DW Salter
Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development 36 (2), 106-21, 2003
Gender bias issues in the college classroom: A study of the interactions between psychological and environmental types
DW Salter
Initiatives 59 (2), 2000
Testing the Attraction-Selection-Attrition model of organizational functioning: The personality of the professoriate
DW Salter
Journal of Psychological Type 66 (10), 88-97, 2006
Psychological type and involvement in a university residence hall judicial system
TD Griffin, DW Salter
Journal of Psychological Type 27, 32-38, 1993
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Articles 1–20