Tommy Dang
Cited by
Cited by
Road damage detection and classification with detectron2 and faster r-cnn
V Pham, C Pham, T Dang
2020 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 5592-5601, 2020
Scagexplorer: Exploring scatterplots by their scagnostics
TN Dang, L Wilkinson
2014 IEEE Pacific visualization symposium, 73-80, 2014
Stacking graphic elements to avoid over-plotting
TN Dang, L Wilkinson, A Anand
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 16 (6), 1044-1052, 2010
Setting up virtual reality and augmented reality learning environment in unity
VT Nguyen, T Dang
2017 IEEE International symposium on mixed and augmented reality (ISMAR …, 2017
Timeseer: Scagnostics for high-dimensional time series
TN Dang, A Anand, L Wilkinson
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 19 (3), 470-483, 2012
TimeArcs: Visualizing fluctuations in dynamic networks
TN Dang, N Pendar, AG Forbes
Computer Graphics Forum 35 (3), 61-69, 2016
ReactionFlow: an interactive visualization tool for causality analysis in biological pathways
TN Dang, P Murray, J Aurisano, AG Forbes
BMC proceedings 9, 1-18, 2015
Transforming scagnostics to reveal hidden features
TN Dang, L Wilkinson
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 20 (12), 1624-1632, 2014
Visual pattern discovery using random projections
A Anand, L Wilkinson, TN Dang
2012 IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), 43-52, 2012
Web-based virtual reality development in classroom: From learner's perspectives
VT Nguyen, R Hite, T Dang
2018 IEEE international conference on artificial intelligence and virtual …, 2018
Cvexplorer: Multidimensional visualization for common vulnerabilities and exposures
V Pham, T Dang
2018 IEEE international conference on big data (big data), 1296-1301, 2018
Enhanced soil profile visualization using portable X-ray fluorescence (PXRF) spectrometry
F Sun, N Bakr, T Dang, V Pham, DC Weindorf, Z Jiang, H Li, QB Wang
Geoderma 358, 113997, 2020
Learners’ technological acceptance of vr content development: A sequential 3-part use case study of diverse post-secondary students
VT Nguyen, R Hite, T Dang
International Journal of Semantic Computing 13 (03), 343-366, 2019
Creating virtual reality and augmented reality development in classroom: Is it a hype?
VT Nguyen, K Jung, T Dang
2019 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual …, 2019
Dronevr: A web virtual reality simulator for drone operator
VT Nguyen, K Jung, T Dang
2019 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual …, 2019
TimeExplorer: Similarity search time series by their signatures
TN Dang, L Wilkinson
International Symposium on Visual Computing, 280-289, 2013
Soil profile analysis using interactive visualizations, machine learning, and deep learning
V Pham, DC Weindorf, T Dang
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 191, 106539, 2021
WordStream: Interactive Visualization for Topic Evolution.
T Dang, HN Nguyen, V Pham, J Johansson, F Sadlo, GE Marai
EuroVis (Short Papers), 103-107, 2019
PathwayMatrix: Visualizing binary relationships between proteins in biological pathways
TN Dang, P Murray, AG Forbes
BMC proceedings 9, 1-13, 2015
Mtsad: Multivariate time series abnormality detection and visualization
V Pham, N Nguyen, J Li, J Hass, Y Chen, T Dang
2019 IEEE international conference on big data (Big Data), 3267-3276, 2019
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Articles 1–20