Waheed Ahmad
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Cited by
Resource-constrained optimal scheduling of synchronous dataflow graphs via timed automata
W Ahmad, R de Groote, PKF Holzenspies, M Stoelinga, J van de Pol
2014 14th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System …, 2014
Green computing: Power optimisation of VFI-based real-time multiprocessor dataflow applications
W Ahmad, PKF Holzenspies, M Stoelinga, J Van De Pol
2015 Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, 271-275, 2015
Formal modelling of complex event processing: A generic algorithm and its application to a manufacturing line
W Ahmad, A Lobov, JLM Lastra
IEEE 10th International Conference on Industrial Informatics, 380-385, 2012
Synthesizing Energy-Optimal Controllers for Multiprocessor Dataflow Applications with Uppaal Stratego
W Ahmad, J van de Pol
International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, 94-113, 2016
Model checking and evaluating QoS of batteries in MPSoC dataflow applications via hybrid automata
W Ahmad, M Jongerden, M Stoelinga, J Pol
Application of Concurrency to System Design (ACSD), 2016 16th International …, 2016
A model-driven framework for hardware-software co-design of dataflow applications
W Ahmad, BM Yildiz, A Rensink, M Stoelinga
Cyber Physical Systems. Design, Modeling, and Evaluation: 6th International …, 2017
Model checking and evaluating QoS of batteries in MPSoC dataflow applications via hybrid automata (extended version)
W Ahmad, MR Jongerden, MIA Stoelinga, JC van de Pol
Centre for Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT), 2016
A model-driven framework for hardware-software co-design of dataflow applications (extended version)
W Ahmad, BM Yildiz, A Rensink, M Stoelinga
Technical Report TR-CTIT-16-09, Centre for Telematics and Information …, 2016
Green computing: Power optimisation of VFI-based real-time multiprocessor dataflow applications (extended version)
W Ahmad, PKF Holzenspies, MIA Stoelinga, JC van de Pol
Centre for Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT), 2015
Green computing: efficient energy management of multiprocessor streaming applications via model checking
W Ahmad
IDEA 2016: Integrating Dataflow, Embedded Computing, and Architecture
W Ahmad, T Basten, R de Groote, A Lele, O Moreira
Energy-optimization for Dataflow Applications using Timed Automata
W Ahmad, M Stoelinga, J van de Pol
Energy, 2016
Proceedings of the first international workshop on Investigating dataflow in embedded computing architectures (IDEA 2015), January 21, 2015, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
W Ahmad, R de Groote, A Lele, O Moreira
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, 2015
Resource-constrained optimal scheduling of SDF graphs via timed automata (extended version)
W Ahmad, R de Groote, PKF Holzenspies, MIA Stoelinga, JC van de Pol
Centre for Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT), 2014
Formal Modelling of Complex Event Processing and its Application to a Manufacturing Line
W Ahmad
xEnergy-Optimal Control of Multi-Core Applications
W Ahmad, M Stoelinga, J van de Pol
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Articles 1–16