Jan Fransen
Jan Fransen
Urban Economics and Governance Department, IHS Erasmus University Rotterdam
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The emergence of urban community resilience initiatives during the COVID-19 pandemic: An international exploratory study
J Fransen, DO Peralta, F Vanelli, J Edelenbos, BC Olvera
The European journal of development research 34 (1), 432, 2021
Can creative cities be inclusive too? How do Dubai, Amsterdam and Toronto navigate the tensions between creativity and inclusiveness in their adoption of city brands and policy …
A Abdulrahman, M de Jong, J Fransen
Cities, 2022
Informality in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
J Fransen, MP van Dijk
conference “Are cities more important than countries”, Erasmus University …, 2008
Reclaiming the city from an urban vitalism perspective: critically reflecting smart, inclusive, resilient and sustainable just city labels
J Nederhand, F Avelino, I Awad, P De Jong, M Duijn, J Edelenbos, ...
Cities 137, 104257, 2023
Managing Ethiopian cities in an era of rapid urbanisation
MP Van Dijk, J Fransen
Eburon Uitgeverij BV, 2008
Exploring the entrepreneurial ecosystem within the informal economy with a multifactor framework
GM Gómez, S Chawla, J Fransen
Urban studies and entrepreneurship, 181-202, 2020
Absorptive capacity as a mediator: Innovation of handicraft exporters in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
J Fransen, AHJ Helmsing
Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie 108 (6), 737-752, 2017
Community vitality and frugal practices in informal settlements in Nairobi: Towards a typology
J Fransen, B Hati, R Nyumba, E van Tuijl
Cities 134, 104179, 2023
Breaching the barriers: The segmented business and innovation system of handicraft exports in Cape Town
J Fransen, B Helmsing
Development Southern Africa 33 (4), 486-501, 2016
Formalization and informalization processes in urban Ethiopia: Incorporating informality
J Fransen, S Kassahun, MP van Dijk
Vital entrepreneurial ecosystems: The case of ICT in Yaba, Nigeria
GM Gómez, V Manya, J Fransen
Cities 137, 104289, 2023
Building Capital: the Role of migrant remittances in housing improvement and construction in El Salvador
B McBride, J Fransen
Master’s Programme in Urban Management and Development. Erasmus University …, 2007
Learning and upgrading of craft exporters at the interface of global value chains and innovation systems
J Fransen, P Knorringa
The European Journal of Development Research 31, 530-557, 2019
Innovation in SMEs. The case of home accessories in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
J Fransen
Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies Working Paper, 2013
Cities, theories and reality
BO Odufuwa, J Fransen, A Bongwa, A Gianoli
Journal of Geography and Regional Planning 2 (10), 243-248, 2009
Informality in Addis Ababa
J Fransen, P Van Djik
Rotterdam: HIS, 2008
Adaptive governance by community based organisations: Community resilience initiatives during Covid‐19 in Mathare, Nairobi
J Fransen, B Hati, HK Simon, N van Stapele
Sustainable Development 32 (2), 1471-1482, 2024
City branding in a multi-level governance context: comparing branding performance across five institutional models for urban development in Saudi Arabia
A Alsayel, J Fransen, M de Jong
Journal of Place Management and Development 16 (2), 267-290, 2023
The impact of FDI on income inequality in Africa
R Kaur, R Wall, J Fransen
Economic Change and Restructuring. https://www. afdb. org/fileadmin/uploads …, 2018
Knocking at the Mayor’s door: Participatory urban management in seven cities
C Acioly, J Fransen, E Makokha, JG Payot, R Skinner, H Teerlink, ...
Delft: Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS) and CORDAID, 2007
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