Jeroen C.J.M. van den Bergh
Jeroen C.J.M. van den Bergh
ICREA Professor, ICTA - Univ. Autňnoma Barcelona; Full professor, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)
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Economic growth and emissions: reconsidering the empirical basis of environmental Kuznets curves
SM De Bruyn, JCJM van den Bergh, JB Opschoor
Ecological Economics 25 (2), 161-175, 1998
Spatial sustainability, trade and indicators: an evaluation of the ‘ecological footprint’
J van den Bergh, H Verbruggen
Ecological economics 29 (1), 61-72, 1999
Ecological-economic analysis of wetlands: scientific integration for management and policy
R Turner, J van den Bergh, T Söderqvist, A Barendregt, J van der Straaten, ...
Ecological economics 35 (1), 7-23, 2000
Comparing structural and index decomposition analysis
R Hoekstra, JCJM van den Bergh
Energy economics 25 (1), 39-64, 2003
Environment versus growth—A criticism of “degrowth” and a plea for “a-growth”
JCJM van den Bergh
Ecological economics 70 (5), 881-890, 2011
What explains public support for climate policies? A review of empirical and experimental studies
S Drews, JCJM van den Bergh
Climate Policy 16 (7), 855-876, 2016
Economic valuation of biodiversity: sense or nonsense?
PALD Nunes, JCJM van den Bergh
Ecological economics 39 (2), 203-222, 2001
The GDP paradox
J van den Bergh
Journal of Economic Psychology 30 (2), 117-135, 2009
Environmental innovation and societal transitions: Introduction and overview
J van den Bergh, B Truffer, G Kallis
Environmental innovation and societal transitions 1 (1), 1-23, 2011
Strong versus weak sustainability: Economics, natural sciences, and consilience
R Ayres, J van den Bergh, J Gowdy
Environmental Ethics 23 (2), 155-168, 2001
An empirical multi-country analysis of the impact of environmental regulations on foreign trade flows
C van Beers, J van den Bergh
Kyklos 50, 29-46, 1996
Willingness of homeowners to mitigate climate risk through insurance
WJW Botzen, JCJH Aerts, JCJM van den Bergh
Ecological Economics 68 (8-9), 2265-2277, 2009
Assessing the costs of natural hazards–state of the art and knowledge gaps
V Meyer, N Becker, V Markantonis, R Schwarze, JCJM van den Bergh, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 13 (5), 1351-1373, 2013
Dependence of flood risk perceptions on socioeconomic and objective risk factors
WJW Botzen, J Aerts, JCJM van den Bergh
Water resources research 45 (10), 2009
Carbon pricing in climate policy: seven reasons, complementary instruments, and political economy considerations
A Baranzini, J van den Bergh, S Carattini, RB Howarth, E Padilla, J Roca
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 8 (4), e462, 2017
Ecological economics: themes, approaches, and differences with environmental economics
J van den Bergh
Regional Environmental Change 3(1): 13-23., 2001
Values of natural and human‐made wetlands: A meta‐analysis
A Ghermandi, JCJM van den Bergh, LM Brander, HLF De Groot, ...
Water Resources Research 46 (12), 2010
Perceived fairness and public acceptability of carbon pricing: a review of the literature
S Maestre-Andrés, S Drews, J Van den Bergh
Climate policy 19 (9), 1186-1204, 2019
Insurance against climate change and flooding in the Netherlands: present, future, and comparison with other countries
WJW Botzen, JCJM van den Bergh
Risk Analysis: An International Journal 28 (2), 413-426, 2008
Structural decomposition analysis of physical flows in the economy
R Hoekstra, JCJM van den Bergh
Environmental and Resource Economics 23, 357-378, 2002
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Articles 1–20