Game cultures: Computer games as new media: computer games as new media J Dovey, HW Kennedy McGraw-Hill Education (UK), 2006 | 1003 | 2006 |
Lara Croft: Feminist icon or cyberbimbo? HW Kennedy Game studies 2 (2), 1-12, 2002 | 529 | 2002 |
Known or knowing publics? Social media data mining and the question of public agency H Kennedy, G Moss Big Data & Society 2 (2), 2053951715611145, 2015 | 402 | 2015 |
Beyond anonymity, or future directions for internet identity research H Kennedy New media & society 8 (6), 859-876, 2006 | 365 | 2006 |
The feeling of numbers: Emotions in everyday engagements with data and their visualisation H Kennedy, RL Hill Sociology 52 (4), 830-848, 2018 | 332 | 2018 |
The work that visusalisation conventions do A Kennedy, Hill, Aiello Information, Communication and Society, 2016 | 300 | 2016 |
Post, Mine, Repeat: social media data mining becomes ordinary helen kennedy Palgrave Macmillan, 2016 | 188 | 2016 |
Living with data: Aligning data studies and data activism through a focus on everyday experiences of datafication H Kennedy Krisis: Journal for Contemporary Philosophy 2018 (1), 18-30, 2018 | 176 | 2018 |
Little Jesuses and*@#?-off robots: On cybernetics, aesthetics, and not being very good at Lego Star Wars S Giddings, H Kennedy The pleasures of computer gaming: Essays on cultural history, theory and …, 2008 | 154 | 2008 |
Cyborg Lives in Context: writing women's technobiographies W Henwood, Hughes, Kennedy, Miller Cyborg Lives? Women's Technobiographies, 2001 | 128* | 2001 |
Data stories: Rethinking journalistic storytelling in the context of data journalism W Weber, M Engebretsen, H Kennedy Studies in communication sciences 2018 (1), 191-206, 2018 | 123 | 2018 |
Cultural studies of data mining: Introduction M Andrejevic, A Hearn, H Kennedy European Journal of Cultural Studies 18 (4-5), 379-394, 2015 | 109 | 2015 |
Data visualization in society M Engebretsen, H Kennedy Amsterdam University Press, 2020 | 105 | 2020 |
Net work: Ethics and values in web design H Kennedy Springer, 2011 | 105 | 2011 |
Game cultures J Dovey, H Kennedy Computer Games as New Media. NY: Open University Press, 96, 2006 | 103 | 2006 |
On fairness: User perspectives on social media data mining H Kennedy, D Elgesem, C Miguel Convergence 23 (3), 270-288, 2017 | 96 | 2017 |
Can the web be made accessible for people with intellectual disabilities? H Kennedy, S Evans, S Thomas Understanding Creative Users of ICTs, 17-27, 2013 | 92 | 2013 |
Technobiography: Researching lives, online and off H Kennedy Biography, 120-139, 2003 | 90 | 2003 |
Engaging with (big) data visualizations: Factors that affect engagement and resulting new definitions of effectiveness H Kennedy, RL Hill, W Allen, A Kirk First Monday 21 (11), 2016 | 85 | 2016 |
Data visualization in Scandinavian newsrooms: emerging trends in journalistic visualization practices M Engebretsen, H Kennedy, W Weber Nordicom review 39 (2), 3-18, 2018 | 82 | 2018 |