Gabrielle Tuijthof
Gabrielle Tuijthof
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Objective assessment of technical surgical skills
PD Van Hove, GJM Tuijthof, EGG Verdaasdonk, LPS Stassen, ...
Journal of British Surgery 97 (7), 972-987, 2010
Measuring hindfoot alignment radiographically: the long axial view is more reliable than the hindfoot alignment view
ML Reilingh, L Beimers, GJM Tuijthof, SAS Stufkens, M Maas, ...
Skeletal radiology 39, 1103-1108, 2010
In-vivo range of motion of the subtalar joint using computed tomography
L Beimers, GJM Tuijthof, L Blankevoort, R Jonges, M Maas, CN van Dijk
Journal of biomechanics 41 (7), 1390-1397, 2008
Overview of subtalar arthrodesis techniques: options, pitfalls and solutions
GJM Tuijthof, L Beimers, GMMJ Kerkhoffs, J Dankelman, CN van Dijk
Foot and ankle surgery 16 (3), 107-116, 2010
Biomechanical evaluation of fixation of comminuted olecranon fractures: one-third tubular versus locking compression plating
GA Buijze, L Blankevoort, GJM Tuijthof, IN Sierevelt, P Kloen
Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery 130, 459-464, 2010
Design, actuation and control of an anthropomorphic robot arm
GJM Tuijthof, JL Herder
Mechanism and machine theory 35 (7), 945-962, 2000
Soft tissue damage after minimally invasive THA: a comparison of 5 approaches
J van Oldenrijk, PVJM Hoogland, GJM Tuijthof, R Corveleijn, ...
Acta orthopaedica 81 (6), 696-702, 2010
First validation of the PASSPORT training environment for arthroscopic skills
GJM Tuijthof, MN Van Sterkenburg, IN Sierevelt, J Van Oldenrijk, ...
Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy 18, 218-224, 2010
Validation of the ArthroS virtual reality simulator for arthroscopic skills
JJ Stunt, G Kerkhoffs, CN Van Dijk, GJM Tuijthof
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 23, 3436-3442, 2015
Three‐dimensional analysis of shape variations and symmetry of the fibula, tibia, calcaneus and talus
N Tümer, V Arbabi, WP Gielis, PA de Jong, H Weinans, GJM Tuijthof, ...
Journal of anatomy 234 (1), 132-144, 2019
Does perception of usefulness of arthroscopic simulators differ with levels of experience?
GJM Tuijthof, P Visser, IN Sierevelt, CN Van Dijk, GMMJ Kerkhoffs
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research® 469, 1701-1708, 2011
Direction of the oblique medial malleolar osteotomy for exposure of the talus
CJA Van Bergen, GJM Tuijthof, IN Sierevelt, CN Van Dijk
Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery 131, 893-901, 2011
Influence of tool geometry on drilling performance of cortical and trabecular bone
GJM Tuijthof, C Frühwirt, C Kment
Medical engineering & physics 35 (8), 1165-1172, 2013
How valid are commercially available medical simulators?
JJ Stunt, PH Wulms, GM Kerkhoffs, J Dankelman, CN Van Dijk, ...
Advances in medical education and practice, 385-395, 2014
Computed tomography of the ankle in full plantar flexion: a reliable method for preoperative planning of arthroscopic access to osteochondral defects of the talus
CJA Van Bergen, GJM Tuijthof, L Blankevoort, M Maas, GMMJ Kerkhoffs, ...
Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery 28 (7), 985-992, 2012
Waterjet drilling in porcine bone: The effect of the nozzle diameter and bone architecture on the hole dimensions
S den Dunnen, L Mulder, GMMJ Kerkhoffs, J Dankelman, GJM Tuijthof
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 27, 84-93, 2013
Steerable mechanical joint for high load transmission in minimally invasive instruments
T Yan Nai, JL Herder, GJM Tuijthof
Determination of consistent patterns of range of motion in the ankle joint with a computed tomography stress-test
GJM Tuijthof, M Zengerink, L Beimers, R Jonges, M Maas, CN van Dijk, ...
Clinical Biomechanics 24 (6), 517-523, 2009
What quantitative mechanical loading stimulates in vitro cultivation best?
J Natenstedt, AC Kok, J Dankelman, GJM Tuijthof
Journal of experimental orthopaedics 2, 1-15, 2015
Behavior of arthroscopic irrigation systems
GJM Tuijthof, L Dusee, JL Herder, CN Van Dijk, PV Pistecky
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 13 (3), 238-246, 2005
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Articles 1–20