Johannes Blum
Johannes Blum
Schaffhausen University of Teacher Education (PHSH)
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Cited by
Heart rate variability biofeedback based on slow-paced breathing with immersive virtual reality nature scenery
J Blum, C Rockstroh, AS Göritz
Frontiers in Psychology 10, 2172, 2019
Virtual reality in the application of heart rate variability biofeedback
C Rockstroh, J Blum, AS Göritz
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 130, 209-220, 2019
Development and pilot test of a virtual reality respiratory biofeedback approach
J Blum, C Rockstroh, AS Göritz
Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback 45, 153-163, 2020
A mobile VR-based respiratory biofeedback game to foster diaphragmatic breathing
C Rockstroh, J Blum, AS Göritz
Virtual Reality 25 (2), 539-552, 2021
Combining VR and biofeedback: The effects on perceived restorativeness and presence.
C Rockstroh, J Blum, AS Göritz
Journal of Media Psychology: Theories, Methods, and Applications, 2020
To strike a pose: No stereotype backlash for power posing women
M Rennung, J Blum, AS Göritz
Frontiers in psychology 7, 1463, 2016
Tracking stress via the computer mouse? Promises and challenges of a potential behavioral stress marker
P Freihaut, AS Göritz, C Rockstroh, J Blum
Behavior Research Methods 53 (6), 2281-2301, 2021
Design and Evaluation of a Virtual Restorative Walk with Room-Scale Virtual Reality and Impossible Spaces
C Rockstroh, J Blum, V Hardt, AS Göritz
Frontiers in Virtual Reality 1, 29, 2020
Heart rate variability biofeedback based on slow-paced breathing with immersive virtual reality nature scenery. Front Psychol. 2019; 10: 2172
J Blum, C Rockstroh, AS Göritz
Presentation-Using Computer Mouse Tracking for Stress Measurement? An Online Study
P Freihaut, A Göritz, C Rockstroh, J Blum
Research Synthesis & Big Data, 2021, online, 2021
Leveraging Technology for Stress Management-the Implementation of Biofeedback Exercises in Immersive Virtual Reality
J Blum
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg i. Br., 2021
Naturreize & Virtual Reality–Erholung durch virtuelle Welten?
C Rockstroh, J Blum, AS Göritz
Virtual Worlds, Real Relaxation? A Pilot Study on a Virtual Reality Breathing Exercise with Respiratory Biofeedback in Primary School Students: Feasibility and Potential Benefits
J Blum
OSF, 0
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Articles 1–13