Huicheng Zheng
Huicheng Zheng
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Cited by
Blocking adult images based on statistical skin detection
H Zheng, M Daoudi
ELCVIA Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis 4 (2), 1-14, 2004
Maximum entropy models for skin detection
B Jedynak, H Zheng, M Daoudi
International Workshop on Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and …, 2003
Event-centric hierarchical representation for dense video captioning
T Wang, H Zheng, M Yu, Q Tian, H Hu
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 31 (5), 1890-1900, 2020
Facial expression recognition based on a multi-task global-local network
M Yu, H Zheng, Z Peng, J Dong, H Du
Pattern Recognition Letters 131, 166-171, 2020
Link between and comparison and combination of Zhang neural network and quasi-Newton BFGS method for time-varying quadratic minimization
Y Zhang, B Mu, H Zheng
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 43 (2), 490-503, 2013
Blocking objectionable images: adult images and harmful symbols
H Zheng, H Liu, M Daoudi
2004 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME)(IEEE Cat …, 2004
A delaunay-based temporal coding model for micro-expression recognition
Z Lu, Z Luo, H Zheng, J Chen, W Li
Asian conference on computer vision, 698-711, 2014
Statistical models for skin detection
B Jedynak, H Zheng, M Daoudi
2003 Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop 8, 92-92, 2003
Cross-Line Pedestrian Counting Based on Spatially-Consistent Two-Stage Local Crowd Density Estimation and Accumulation
H Zheng, Z Lin, J Cen, Z Wu, Y Zhao
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 29 (3), 787-799, 2019
Skin detection using pairwise models
B Jedynak, H Zheng, M Daoudi
Image and Vision Computing 23 (13), 1122-1130, 2005
Inserting Anybody in Diffusion Models via Celeb Basis
G Yuan, X Cun, Y Zhang, M Li, C Qi, X Wang, Y Shan, H Zheng
arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.00926, 2023
Different ZFs leading to various ZNN models illustrated via online solution of time-varying underdetermined systems of linear equations with robotic application
Y Zhang, Y Wang, L Jin, B Mu, H Zheng
International Symposium on Neural Networks, 481-488, 2013
Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition Based on Convolutional Neural Networks with Dense Connections
J Dong, H Zheng, L Lian
2018 24th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 3433-3438, 2018
Cross-view action recognition based on a statistical translation framework
J Wang, H Zheng, J Gao, J Cen
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 26 (8), 1461-1475, 2014
View-robust action recognition based on temporal self-similarities and dynamic time warping
J Wang, H Zheng
2012 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation …, 2012
Vehicle logo recognition based on a weighted spatial pyramid framework
Y Ou, H Zheng, S Chen, J Chen
17th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems …, 2014
Fast-learning adaptive-subspace self-organizing map: An application to saliency-based invariant image feature construction
H Zheng, G Lefebvre, C Laurent
IEEE transactions on neural networks 19 (5), 746-757, 2008
Feature enhancement for multi-scale object detection
H Zheng, J Chen, L Chen, Y Li, Z Yan
Neural Processing Letters 51, 1907-1919, 2020
Image stitching based on angle-consistent warping
Y Chen, H Zheng, Y Ma, Z Yan
Pattern Recognition 117, 107993, 2021
Detail preservation and feature refinement for object detection
Y Li, H Zheng, Z Yan, L Chen
Neurocomputing 359, 209-218, 2019
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Articles 1–20