Dorothee Chwilla
Dorothee Chwilla
Donders Centre for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour
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Structure and limited capacity in verbal working memory: A study with event-related potentials
HHJ Kolk, DJ Chwilla, M Van Herten, PJW Oor
Brain and language 85 (1), 1-36, 2003
The N400 as a function of the level of processing
DJ Chwilla, CM Brown, P Hagoort
Psychophysiology 32 (3), 274-285, 1995
An ERP study of P600 effects elicited by semantic anomalies
M Van Herten, HHJ Kolk, DJ Chwilla
Cognitive brain research 22 (2), 241-255, 2005
Role of inhibition in language switching: Evidence from event-related brain potentials in overt picture naming
K Verhoef, A Roelofs, DJ Chwilla
Cognition 110 (1), 84-99, 2009
When heuristics clash with parsing routines: ERP evidence for conflict monitoring in sentence perception
M Van Herten, DJ Chwilla, HHJ Kolk
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 18 (7), 1181-1197, 2006
Monitoring in language perception: Mild and strong conflicts elicit different ERP patterns
N Van de Meerendonk, HHJ Kolk, CTWM Vissers, DJ Chwilla
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 22 (1), 67-82, 2010
Monitoring in language perception: The effect of misspellings of words in highly constrained sentences
CTWM Vissers, DJ Chwilla, HHJ Kolk
Brain Research 1106 (1), 150-163, 2006
Late positivities in unusual situations
H Kolk, D Chwilla
Brain and language 100 (3), 257-261, 2007
Monitoring in language perception
N Van de Meerendonk, HHJ Kolk, DJ Chwilla, CTWM Vissers
Language and linguistics compass 3 (5), 1211-1224, 2009
Accessing world knowledge: Evidence from N400 and reaction time priming
DJ Chwilla, HHJ Kolk
Cognitive Brain Research 25 (3), 589-606, 2005
Testing a model for bilingual semantic priming with interlingual homographs: RT and N400 effects
R Kerkhofs, T Dijkstra, DJ Chwilla, ERA De Bruijn
Brain research 1068 (1), 170-183, 2006
An event-related brain potential analysis of visual word priming effects
CM Brown, P Hagoort, DJ Chwilla
Brain and language 72 (2), 158-190, 2000
The mechanism underlying backward priming in a lexical decision task: Spreading activation versus semantic matching
DJ Chwilla, P Hagoort, CM Brown
The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology: Section A 51 (3), 531-560, 1998
Electrophysiological evidence for endogenous control of attention in switching between languages in overt picture naming
KMW Verhoef, A Roelofs, DJ Chwilla
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 22 (8), 1832-1843, 2010
The relationship of language and emotion: N400 support for an embodied view of language comprehension
DJ Chwilla, D Virgillito, CTWM Vissers
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 23 (9), 2400-2414, 2011
Language context effects on interlingual homograph recognition: evidence from event-related potentials and response times in semantic priming
ERA De Bruijn, T Dijkstra, DJ Chwilla, HJ Schriefers
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 4 (2), 155-168, 2001
Mediated priming in the lexical decision task: Evidence from event-related potentials and reaction time
DJ Chwilla, HHJ Kolk, G Mulder
Journal of Memory and Language 42 (3), 314-341, 2000
Event‐related potentials to different feedback stimuli
DJ Chwilla, CHM Brunia
Psychophysiology 28 (2), 123-132, 1991
Monitoring in language perception: evidence from ERPs in a picture–sentence matching task
CTWM Vissers, HHJ Kolk, N Van de Meerendonk, DJ Chwilla
Neuropsychologia 46 (4), 967-982, 2008
Conversation electrified: ERP correlates of speech act recognition in underspecified utterances
RS Gisladottir, DJ Chwilla, SC Levinson
PloS one 10 (3), e0120068, 2015
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