Maarten G Kleinhans
Maarten G Kleinhans
Professor Fac Geosciences Univ Utrecht
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River channel and bar patterns explained and predicted by an empirical and a physics‐based method
MG Kleinhans, JH van den Berg
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 36 (6), 721-738, 2011
Sedimentary architecture of abandoned channel fills
WHJ Toonen, MG Kleinhans, KM Cohen
Earth surface processes and landforms 37 (4), 459-472, 2012
Splitting rivers at their seams: bifurcations and avulsion
MG Kleinhans, RI Ferguson, SN Lane, RJ Hardy
Earth surface processes and landforms 38 (1), 47-61, 2013
Bifurcation dynamics and avulsion duration in meandering rivers by one-dimensional and three-dimensional models
MG Kleinhans, HRA Jagers, E Mosselman, CJ Sloff
Water Resources Research 44 (8), W08454, 2008
Sorting out river channel patterns
MG Kleinhans
Progress in physical geography 34 (3), 287-326, 2010
Effects of debris flow composition on runout, depositional mechanisms, and deposit morphology in laboratory experiments
T De Haas, L Braat, JRFW Leuven, IR Lokhorst, MG Kleinhans
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 120 (9), 1949-1972, 2015
Observations of swash under highly dissipative conditions
BG Ruessink, MG Kleinhans, PGL Van den Beukel
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 103 (C2), 3111-3118, 1998
Physics‐based modeling of large braided sand‐bed rivers: Bar pattern formation, dynamics, and sensitivity
F Schuurman, WA Marra, MG Kleinhans
Journal of geophysical research: Earth Surface 118 (4), 2509-2527, 2013
Flow discharge and sediment transport models for estimating a minimum timescale of hydrological activity and channel and delta formation on Mars
MG Kleinhans
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 110 (E12), 2005
Stochastic prediction of sediment transport in sand-gravel bed rivers
MG Kleinhans, LC Van Rijn
Journal of hydraulic engineering 128 (4), 412-425, 2002
Experimental meandering river with chute cutoffs
WM Van Dijk, WI Van de Lageweg, MG Kleinhans
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 117 (F3), 2012
Static and dynamic angles of repose in loose granular materials under reduced gravity
MG Kleinhans, H Markies, SJ De Vet, AC In't Veld, FN Postema
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 116 (E11), 2011
Predicting incipient motion, including the effect of turbulent pressure fluctuations in the bed
S Vollmer, MG Kleinhans
Water Resources Research 43 (5), 2007
Sorting in grain flows at the lee side of dunes
MG Kleinhans
Earth-Science Reviews 65 (1-2), 75-102, 2004
Effects of vegetation distribution on experimental river channel dynamics
WM Van Dijk, R Teske, WI Van de Lageweg, MG Kleinhans
Water Resources Research 49 (11), 7558-7574, 2013
Bank pull or bar push: What drives scroll-bar formation in meandering rivers?
WI van de Lageweg, WM Van Dijk, AW Baar, J Rutten, MG Kleinhans
Geology 42 (4), 319-322, 2014
Distinct patterns of interaction between vegetation and morphodynamics
M Oorschot, M Kleinhans, G Geerling, H Middelkoop
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 41 (6), 791-808, 2016
Autocyclic behaviour of fan deltas: an analogue experimental study
M Van Dijk, G Postma, MG Kleinhans
Sedimentology 56 (5), 1569-1589, 2009
Complex variations in sediment transport at three large river bifurcations during discharge waves in the river Rhine
RM Frings, MG Kleinhans
Sedimentology 55 (5), 1145-1171, 2008
Processes controlling the dynamics of compound sand waves in the North Sea, Netherlands
TAGP Van Dijk, MG Kleinhans
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 110 (F4), 2005
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