Akira Endo
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Cited by
Number fluctuations of sparse quasiparticles in a superconductor
PJ De Visser, JJA Baselmans, P Diener, SJC Yates, A Endo, TM Klapwijk
Physical review letters 106 (16), 167004, 2011
Experimentally simulating the dynamics of quantum light and matter at deep-strong coupling
NK Langford, R Sagastizabal, M Kounalakis, C Dickel, A Bruno, F Luthi, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 1715, 2017
Telescope array experiment
H Kawai, S Yoshida, H Yoshii, K Tanaka, F Cohen, M Fukushima, ...
Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements 175 (SUPPL.: COMPLETE), 221-226, 2008
A dual-band millimeter-wave kinetic inductance camera for the IRAM 30 m telescope
A Monfardini, A Benoit, A Bideaud, L Swenson, A Cruciani, P Camus, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 194 (2), 24, 2011
Minimal resonator loss for circuit quantum electrodynamics
R Barends, N Vercruyssen, A Endo, PJ De Visser, T Zijlstra, TM Klapwijk, ...
Applied Physics Letters 97 (2), 2010
A kilo-pixel imaging system for future space based far-infrared observatories using microwave kinetic inductance detectors
JJA Baselmans, J Bueno, SJC Yates, O Yurduseven, N Llombart, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 601, A89, 2017
High optical efficiency and photon noise limited sensitivity of microwave kinetic inductance detectors using phase readout
RMJ Janssen, JJA Baselmans, A Endo, L Ferrari, SJC Yates, ...
Applied Physics Letters 103 (20), 2013
Photon noise limited radiation detection with lens-antenna coupled microwave kinetic inductance detectors
SJC Yates, JJA Baselmans, A Endo, RMJ Janssen, L Ferrari, P Diener, ...
Applied Physics Letters 99 (7), 2011
Observations and modelling of CO and [C i] in protoplanetary disks-First detections of [C i] and constraints on the carbon abundance
M Kama, S Bruderer, M Carney, M Hogerheijde, EF Van Dishoeck, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 588, A108, 2016
APEX-CHAMP+ high-J CO observations of low-mass young stellar objects-IV. Mechanical and radiative feedback
UA Yıldız, LE Kristensen, EF van Dishoeck, MR Hogerheijde, A Karska, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 576, A109, 2015
Reduced frequency noise in superconducting resonators
R Barends, N Vercruyssen, A Endo, PJ De Visser, T Zijlstra, TM Klapwijk, ...
Applied Physics Letters 97 (3), 2010
Mitigation of cosmic ray effect on microwave kinetic inductance detector arrays
K Karatsu, A Endo, J Bueno, PJ De Visser, R Barends, DJ Thoen, ...
Applied Physics Letters 114 (3), 2019
Superconducting NbTin Thin Films With Highly Uniform Properties Over a 100 mm Wafer
DJ Thoen, BGC Bos, EAF Haalebos, TM Klapwijk, JJA Baselmans, ...
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 27 (4), 1-5, 2016
ASTE CO (3–2) Observations of the Barred Spiral Galaxy M 83: I. Correlation between CO (3–2)/CO (1–0) Ratios and Star Formation Efficiencies
K Muraoka, K Kohno, T Tosaki, N Kuno, K Nakanishi, K Sorai, T Okuda, ...
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 59 (1), 43-54, 2007
Design and development of SIS mixers for ALMA band 8
W Shan, T Noguchi, S Shi, Y Sekimoto
IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity 15 (2), 503-506, 2005
First light demonstration of the integrated superconducting spectrometer
A Endo, K Karatsu, Y Tamura, T Oshima, A Taniguchi, T Takekoshi, ...
Nature Astronomy 3 (11), 989-996, 2019
Design of an integrated filterbank for DESHIMA: On-chip submillimeter imaging spectrograph based on superconducting resonators
A Endo, P Van der Werf, RMJ Janssen, PJ De Visser, TM Klapwijk, ...
Journal of low temperature physics 167, 341-346, 2012
Wideband on-chip terahertz spectrometer based on a superconducting filterbank
A Endo, K Karatsu, AP Laguna, B Mirzaei, R Huiting, DJ Thoen, ...
Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems 5 (3), 035004 …, 2019
Generation-recombination noise: The fundamental sensitivity limit for kinetic inductance detectors
PJ De Visser, JJA Baselmans, P Diener, SJC Yates, A Endo, TM Klapwijk
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 167, 335-340, 2012
Microwave-induced excess quasiparticles in superconducting resonators measured through correlated conductivity fluctuations
PJ De Visser, JJA Baselmans, SJC Yates, P Diener, A Endo, TM Klapwijk
Applied Physics Letters 100 (16), 2012
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Articles 1–20