Ignas Niemegeers
Ignas Niemegeers
Eindhoven University of Technology
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A survey of indoor positioning systems for wireless personal networks
Y Gu, A Lo, I Niemegeers
IEEE Communications surveys & tutorials 11 (1), 13-32, 2009
IEEE 802.11 ah: Advantages in standards and further challenges for sub 1 GHz Wi-Fi
S Aust, RV Prasad, IGMM Niemegeers
2012 IEEE international conference on communications (ICC), 6885-6889, 2012
Cognitive radio emergency networks-requirements and design
P Pawelczak, RV Prasad, L Xia, IGMM Niemegeers
First IEEE International Symposium on New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum …, 2005
Energy-efficient reliable routing considering residual energy in wireless ad hoc networks
J Vazifehdan, RV Prasad, I Niemegeers
IEEE Transactions on mobile Computing 13 (2), 434-447, 2013
From personal area networks to personal networks: A user oriented approach
IG Niemegeers, SM Heemstra de Groot
Wireless Personal Communications 22, 175-186, 2002
Research issues in ad-hoc distributed personal networking
IG Niemegeers, SM Heemstra de Groot
Wireless Personal Communications 26, 149-167, 2003
Outdoor long-range WLANs: A lesson for IEEE 802.11 ah
S Aust, RV Prasad, IGMM Niemegeers
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 17 (3), 1761-1775, 2015
An evaluation of location management procedures
FV Baumann, IG Niemegeers
Proceedings of 1994 3rd IEEE International Conference on Universal Personal …, 1994
A survey on handoffs—Lessons for 60 GHz based wireless systems
B Van Quang, RV Prasad, I Niemegeers
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 14 (1), 64-86, 2010
Performability modelling tools and techniques
BR Haverkort, IG Niemegeers
Performance evaluation 25 (1), 17-40, 1996
Ad hoc networking in future wireless communications
D Remondo, IG Niemegeers
Computer Communications 26 (1), 36-40, 2003
Power allocation in cell-free massive MIMO: A deep learning method
Y Zhao, IG Niemegeers, SH De Groot
IEEE Access 8, 87185-87200, 2020
Beam switching support to resolve link-blockage problem in 60 GHz WPANs
X An, CS Sum, RV Prasad, J Wang, Z Lan, J Wang, R Hekmat, H Harada, ...
2009 IEEE 20th international Symposium on personal, indoor and mobile radio …, 2009
Robust 60 GHz indoor connectivity: Is it possible with reflections?
Z Genc, UH Rizvi, E Onur, I Niemegeers
2010 IEEE 71st vehicular technology conference, 1-5, 2010
Radio-over-Fiber based architecture for seamless wireless indoor communication in the 60 GHz band
BL Dang, MG Larrode, RV Prasad, I Niemegeers, AMJ Koonen
Computer communications 30 (18), 3598-3613, 2007
Adaptive CCA for IEEE 802.15. 4 wireless sensor networks to mitigate interference
W Yuan, JPMG Linnartz, IGMM Niemegeers
2010 IEEE Wireless Communication and Networking Conference, 1-5, 2010
An analytical energy consumption model for packet transfer over wireless links
J Vazifehdan, RV Prasad, M Jacobsson, I Niemegeers
IEEE Communications Letters 16 (1), 30-33, 2011
Coexistence performance of IEEE 802.15. 4 wireless sensor networks under IEEE 802.11 b/g interference
W Yuan, X Wang, JPMG Linnartz, IGMM Niemegeers
Wireless Personal Communications 68, 281-302, 2013
Analysis of IEEE 802.11 in radio over fiber home networks
BL Dang, I Niemegeers
The IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks 30th Anniversary (LCN'05) l …, 2005
Dynamic power allocation for cell-free massive MIMO: Deep reinforcement learning methods
Y Zhao, IG Niemegeers, SMH De Groot
IEEE Access 9, 102953-102965, 2021
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Articles 1–20