Jeehyun Kwag
Jeehyun Kwag
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Matching storage and recall: hippocampal spike timing–dependent plasticity and phase response curves
M Lengyel, J Kwag, O Paulsen, P Dayan
Nature Neuroscience 8 (12), 1677-1683, 2005
Distinct roles of parvalbumin and somatostatin interneurons in gating the synchronization of spike times in the neocortex
HJ Jang, H Chung, JM Rowland, BA Richards, MM Kohl, J Kwag
Science Advances 6 (17), eaay5333, 2020
In vivo direct imaging of neuronal activity at high temporospatial resolution
PT Toi, HJ Jang, K Min, SP Kim, SK Lee, J Lee, J Kwag, JY Park
Science 378 (6616), 160-168, 2022
Optogenetic activation of parvalbumin and somatostatin interneurons selectively restores theta-nested gamma oscillations and oscillation-induced spike timing-dependent long …
K Park, J Lee, HJ Jang, BA Richards, MM Kohl, J Kwag
BMC biology 18, 1-20, 2020
The timing of external input controls the sign of plasticity at local synapses
J Kwag, O Paulsen
Nature neuroscience 12 (10), 1219, 2009
Dissociation of somatostatin and parvalbumin interneurons circuit dysfunctions underlying hippocampal theta and gamma oscillations impaired by amyloid β oligomers in vivo
H Chung, K Park, HJ Jang, MM Kohl, J Kwag
Brain Structure and Function 225, 935-954, 2020
Gating of NMDA receptor-mediated hippocampal spike timing-dependent potentiation by mGluR5
J Kwag, O Paulsen
Neuropharmacology 63 (4), 701-709, 2012
Bidirectional control of spike timing by GABAA receptor-mediated inhibition during theta oscillation in CA1 pyramidal neurons
J Kwag, O Paulsen
Neuroreport 20 (13), 1209-1213, 2009
Frequency dependence of CA3 spike phase response arising from h-current properties
M Borel, S Guadagna, HJ Jang, J Kwag, O Paulsen
Frontiers in cellular neuroscience 7, 263, 2013
GABA A receptor-mediated feedforward and feedback inhibition differentially modulate the gain and the neural code transformation in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells
HJ Jang, K Park, J Lee, H Kim, KH Han, J Kwag
Neuropharmacology 99, 177-186, 2015
M-channels modulate the intrinsic excitability and synaptic responses of layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons in auditory cortex
S Lee, J Kwag
Biochemical and biophysical research communications 426 (4), 448-453, 2012
Phase of firing as a local window for efficient neuronal computation: tonic and phasic mechanisms in the control of theta spike phase
J Kwag, D McLelland, O Paulsen
Frontiers in human neuroscience 5, 3, 2011
Evidence for Neuroprotective Effect of Sulbutiamine against Oxygen-Glucose Deprivation in Rat Hippocampal CA1 Pyramidal Neurons
J Kwag, ASA Majid, KD Kang
Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 34 (11), 1759-1764, 2011
Persistent enhancement of basolateral amygdala-dorsomedial striatum synapses causes compulsive-like behaviors in mice
IB Lee, E Lee, NE Han, M Slavuj, JW Hwang, A Lee, T Sun, Y Jeong, ...
Nature communications 15 (1), 219, 2024
Spatiotemporally random and diverse grid cell spike patterns contribute to the transformation of grid cell to place cell in a neural network model
SW Park, HJ Jang, M Kim, J Kwag
PloS one 14 (11), e0225100, 2019
BrainFilm, a novel technique for physical compression of 3D brain slices for efficient image acquisition and post-processing
JY Kim, HJ Kim, MJ Jang, JH Kim, JH Lee, E Lee, K Park, H Kim, J Lee, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 8531, 2018
GABA A receptor-mediated feedforward and feedback inhibition differentially modulate hippocampal spike timing-dependent plasticity
HJ Jang, J Kwag
Biochemical and biophysical research communications 427 (3), 466-472, 2012
M-type potassium conductance controls the emergence of neural phase codes: a combined experimental and neuron modelling study
J Kwag, HJ Jang, M Kim, S Lee
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 11 (99), 20140604, 2014
Neocortical inhibitory interneuron subtypes are differentially attuned to synchrony-and rate-coded information
LY Prince, MM Tran, D Grey, L Saad, H Chasiotis, J Kwag, MM Kohl, ...
Communications Biology 4 (1), 935, 2021
Dendritic-targeting interneuron controls spike timing of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neuron via activation of I h
S Park, J Kwag
Neuroscience letters 523 (1), 9-14, 2012
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Articles 1–20