Marije Schaafsma
Marije Schaafsma
Associate Professor, Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM), VU University Amsterdam
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Cited by
Unpacking ecosystem service bundles: Towards predictive mapping of synergies and trade-offs between ecosystem services
R Spake, R Lasseur, E Crouzat, JM Bullock, S Lavorel, KE Parks, ...
Global Environmental Change 47, 37-50, 2017
Making benefit transfers work: deriving and testing principles for value transfers for similar and dissimilar sites using a case study of the non-market benefits of water …
IJ Bateman, R Brouwer, S Ferrini, M Schaafsma, DN Barton, A Dubgaard, ...
Environmental and Resource Economics 50 (3), 365-387, 2011
Diverse values of nature for sustainability
U Pascual, P Balvanera, CB Anderson, R Chaplin-Kramer, M Christie, ...
Nature 620 (7975), 813-823, 2023
Towards sustainable palm oil production: The positive and negative impacts on ecosystem services and human wellbeing
LM Ayompe, M Schaafsma, BN Egoh
Journal of Cleaner Production 278, 123914, 2020
A systematic review of the reliability and validity of discrete choice experiments in valuing non-market environmental goods
OS Rakotonarivo, M Schaafsma, N Hockley
Journal of environmental management 183, 98-109, 2016
Using meta-analysis and GIS for value transfer and scaling up: Valuing climate change induced losses of European wetlands
LM Brander, I Bräuer, H Gerdes, A Ghermandi, O Kuik, A Markandya, ...
Environmental and Resource Economics, 1-19, 2012
The value of green walls to urban biodiversity
R Collins, M Schaafsma, MD Hudson
Land use policy 64, 114-123, 2017
Coastal Zone Ecosystem Services: From science to values and decision making; a case study
T Luisetti, RK Turner, T Jickells, J Andrews, M Elliott, M Schaafsma, ...
Science of the Total Environment 493, 682-693, 2014
The importance of local forest benefits: Valuation of non-timber forest products in the Eastern Arc Mountains in Tanzania
M Schaafsma
Global Environmental Change, 2014
Directional heterogeneity in WTP models for environmental valuation
M Schaafsma, R Brouwer, J Rose
Ecological economics 79, 21-31, 2012
Will the Sustainable Development Goals address the links between poverty and the natural environment?
J Schleicher, M Schaafsma, B Vira
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 34, 43-47, 2018
Poorer without it? The neglected role of the natural environment in poverty and wellbeing
J Schleicher, M Schaafsma, ND Burgess, C Sandbrook, F Danks, ...
Sustainable Development 26 (1), 83-98, 2018
Estimation of distance-decay functions to account for substitution and spatial heterogeneity in stated preference research
M Schaafsma, R Brouwer, A Gilbert, J Van Den Bergh, A Wagtendonk
Land Economics 89 (3), 514-537, 2013
Economic valuation of environmental and resource costs and benefits in the water framework directive: technical guidelines for practitioners
R Brouwer, D Barton, I Bateman, L Brander, S Georgiou, J Martín-Ortega, ...
Institute for Environmental Studies, VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2009
Developing a value function for nature development and land use policy in Flanders, Belgium
I Liekens, M Schaafsma, L De Nocker, S Broekx, J Staes, J Aertsens, ...
Land use policy 30 (1), 549-559, 2013
Coastal Zones Ecosystem Services; From Science to Values and Decision Making
RK Turner, M Schaafsma
Economic valuation of ecosystem goods and services: a review for decision makers
R Tinch, N Beaumont, T Sunderland, E Ozdemiroglu, D Barton, C Bowe, ...
Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy 8 (4), 359-378, 2019
Valuing water quality improvements from peatland restoration: Evidence and challenges
J Martin-Ortega, TEH Allott, K Glenk, M Schaafsma
Ecosystem Services 9, 34-43, 2014
Potential trade-offs between the sustainable development goals in coastal Bangladesh
CW Hutton, RJ Nicholls, AN Lázár, A Chapman, M Schaafsma, M Salehin
Sustainability 10 (4), 1108, 2018
Towards transferable functions for extraction of Non-timber Forest Products: A case study on charcoal production in Tanzania
M Schaafsma, S Morse-Jones, P Posen, RD Swetnam, A Balmford, ...
Ecological Economics 80, 48-62, 2012
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Articles 1–20