Jasper Oosterman
Cited by
Cited by
Crowdsourcing knowledge-intensive tasks in cultural heritage
J Oosterman, A Nottamkandath, C Dijkshoorn, A Bozzon, GJ Houben, ...
Proceedings of the 2014 ACM conference on Web science, 267-268, 2014
Crowd vs. experts: nichesourcing for knowledge intensive tasks in cultural heritage
J Oosterman, A Bozzon, GJ Houben, A Nottamkandath, C Dijkshoorn, ...
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on World Wide Web, 567-568, 2014
Operationalizing framing to support multiperspective recommendations of opinion pieces
M Mulder, O Inel, J Oosterman, N Tintarev
Proceedings of the 2021 ACM conference on fairness, accountability, and …, 2021
A Case Study of Active, Continuous and Predictive Social Media Analytics for Smart City.
M Balduini, S Bocconi, A Bozzon, E Della Valle, Y Huang, J Oosterman, ...
S4SC@ ISWC, 31-46, 2014
On the impact of knowledge extraction and aggregation on crowdsourced annotation of visual artworks
J Oosterman, J Yang, A Bozzon, L Aroyo, GJ Houben
Computer Networks 90, 133-149, 2015
Personalization in crowd-driven annotation for cultural heritage collections.
C Dijkshoorn, J Oosterman, L Aroyo, GJ Houben
UMAP Workshops 872, 2012
Automated evaluation of crowdsourced annotations in the cultural heritage domain
A Nottamkandath, J Oosterman, D Ceolin, W Fokkink
10th International Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web …, 2014
Locating domain-specific contents and experts on social bookmarking communities
S Kassing, J Oosterman, A Bozzon, GJ Houben
Proceedings of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 747-752, 2015
Personalized Nichesourcing: Acquisition of Qualitative Annotations from Niche Communities
C Dijkshoorn, MHR Leyssen, A Nottamkandath, J Oosterman, MC Traub, ...
PATCH 2013, 2013
Predicting quality of crowdsourced annotations using graph kernels
A Nottamkandath, J Oosterman, D Ceolin, GKD de Vries, W Fokkink
Trust Management IX: 9th IFIP WG 11.11 International Conference, IFIPTM 2015 …, 2015
On the invitation of expert contributors from online communities for knowledge crowdsourcing tasks
J Oosterman, GJ Houben
Web Engineering: 16th International Conference, ICWE 2016, Lugano …, 2016
Accurator: nichesourcing specific knowledge for cultural hertitage institutions
J Oosterman, C Dijkshoorn, MHR Leyssen, MC Traub, A Nottamkandath
ICT OPEN 2012, Rotterdam (The Netherlands) 22-23 Oct., 2012, 2012
CroKnow: Structured Crowd Knowledge Creation
J Oosterman, A Bozzon, GJ Houben
Web Engineering: 16th International Conference, ICWE 2016, Lugano …, 2016
Determining Resource Needs of Autonomous Agents in Decoupled Plans
J Oosterman, R Ravenhorst, P van Leeuwen, C Witteveen
BNAIC 2008 Belgian-Dutch Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 201, 2008
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Articles 1–14