Jutta Wirth, Dr. rer. nat.
Jutta Wirth, Dr. rer. nat.
Wageningen University & Research, Biobioseminars
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Autosomal sex reversal and campomelic dysplasia are caused by mutations in and around the SRY-related gene SOX9
T Wagner, J Wirth, J Meyer, B Zabel, M Held, J Zimmer, J Pasantes, ...
Cell 79 (6), 1111-1120, 1994
Translocation breakpoints in three patients with campomelic dysplasia and autosomal sex reversal map more than 130 kb from SOX9
J Wirth, T Wagner, J Meyer, RA Pfeiffer, HU Tietze, W Schempp, ...
Human genetics 97, 186-193, 1996
Systematic characterisation of disease associated balanced chromosome rearrangements by FISH: cytogenetically and genetically anchored YACs identify microdeletions and …
J Wirth, HG Nothwang, S Van der Maarel, C Menzel, G Borck, ...
Journal of medical genetics 36 (4), 271-278, 1999
Mouse Dac, a novel nuclear factor with homology to Drosophila dachshund shows a dynamic expression in the neural crest, the eye, the neocortex, and the limb bud
X Caubit, R Thangarajah, T Theil, J Wirth, HG Nothwang, U Rüther, ...
Developmental Dynamics: An Official Publication of the American Association …, 1999
A translocation breakpoint cluster disrupts the newly defined 3′ end of the SNURF-SNRPN transcription unit on chromosome 15
J Wirth, E Back, A Hüttenhofer, HG Nothwang, C Lich, S Groß, C Menzel, ...
Human Molecular Genetics 10 (3), 201-210, 2001
Clinical and molecular‐cytogenetic studies in seven patients with ring chromosome 18
P Stankiewicz, I Brozek, Z Hélias‐Rodzewicz, J Wierzba, J Pilch, E Bocian, ...
American journal of medical genetics 101 (3), 226-239, 2001
A cis-regulatory site downregulates PTHLH in translocation t(8;12)(q13;p11.2) and leads to Brachydactyly Type E
PG Maass, J Wirth, A Aydin, A Rump, S Stricker, S Tinschert, M Otero, ...
Human molecular genetics 19 (5), 848-860, 2010
Functional hemizygosity of PAFAH1B3 due to a PAFAH1B3–CLK2 fusion gene in a female with mental retardation, ataxia and atrophy of the brain
HG Nothwang, HG Kim, J Aoki, M Geisterfer, S Kübart, RD Wegner, ...
Human molecular genetics 10 (8), 797-806, 2001
High resolution comparative genomic hybridisation analysis reveals imbalances in dyschromosomal patients with normal or apparently balanced conventional karyotypes
M Kirchhoff, H Rose, J Maahr, T Gerdes, M Bugge, N Tommerup, Z Tümer, ...
European Journal of Human Genetics 8 (9), 661-668, 2000
Microgeographic Variation, Habitat Effects and Individual Signature Cues in Calls of Chiffchaffs Phylloscopus collybita canarensis
M Naguib, K Hammerschmidt, J Wirth
Ethology 107 (4), 341-355, 2001
Molecular cytogenetic characterisation of partial trisomy 9q in a case with pyloric stenosis and a review
A Heller, J Seidel, A Hübler, H Starke, V Beensen, G Senger, M Rocchi, ...
Journal of medical genetics 37 (7), 529-532, 2000
Complex FISH probes for the subtelomeric regions of all human chromosomes: comparative hybridization of CEPH YACs to chromosomes of the Old World monkey Presbytis cristata and …
K Kingsley, J Wirth, S van Der Maarel, S Freier, HH Ropers, T Haaf
Cytogenetic and Genome Research 78 (1), 12-19, 1997
SOX20, a new member of the SOX gene family, is located on chromosome 17p13
J Meyer, J Wirth, M Held, W Schempp, G Scherer
Cytogenetic and Genome Research 72 (2-3), 246-249, 1996
Mild phenotype in two unrelated patients with a partial deletion of 21q22. 2‐q22. 3 defined by FISH and molecular studies
D Ehling, I Kennerknecht, A Junge, B Prager, R Exeler, B Behre, J Horst, ...
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A 131 (3), 265-372, 2004
Partial monosomy 2p as the single chromosomal anomaly in a case of renal metanephric adenoma.
M Stumm, A Koch, PF Wieacker, C Phillip, F Steinbach, EP Allhoff, ...
Cancer genetics and cytogenetics 115 (1), 82-85, 1999
Molecular cytogenetic characterisation of a complex 46, XY, t (7; 8; 11; 13) chromosome rearrangement in a patient with Moebius syndrome
G Borck, J Wirth, T Hardt, H Tönnies, K Brøndum-Nielsen, M Bugge, ...
Journal of medical genetics 38 (2), 117-121, 2001
Molecular cytogenetic detection of 9q34 breakpoints associated with nail patella syndrome
A Silahtaroglu, FA Hol, PKA Jensen, M Erdel, HC Duba, M Geurds, ...
European Journal of Human Genetics 7 (1), 68-76, 1999
Molecular cloning of the critical region for glomerulopathy with fibronectin deposits (GFND) and evaluation of candidate genes
M Vollmer, M Kremer, R Ruf, S Miot, HG Nothwang, J Wirth, E Otto, ...
Genomics 68 (2), 127-135, 2000
Nail patella syndrome in a cytogenetically balanced t (9; 17)(q34. 1; q25) carrier
HC Duba, M Erdel, J Löffler, J Wirth, B Utermann, G Utermann
European Journal of Human Genetics 6 (1), 75-79, 1998
Constitutional de novo interstitial deletion of 8 Mb on chromosome 22q12. 1-12.3 encompassing the neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2) locus in a dysmorphic girl with severe …
G Barbi, E Rossier, S Vossbeck, H Hummler, D Lang, F Flock, R Terinde, ...
Journal of Medical Genetics 39 (2), e6-e6, 2002
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Articles 1–20