Eelco Harteveld
Eelco Harteveld
Assistant professor, University of Amsterdam
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In Europe we trust? Exploring three logics of trust in the European Union
E Harteveld, TWG Van der Meer, CE De Vries
European Union Politics 14 (4), 542-565, 2013
The appeal of nostalgia: The influence of societal pessimism on support for populist radical right parties
E Steenvoorden, E Harteveld
West European Politics 41 (1), 28-52, 2018
The gender gap in populist radical-right voting: Examining the demand side in Western and Eastern Europe
E Harteveld, W Van Der Brug, S Dahlberg, A Kokkonen
Patterns of Prejudice 49 (1-2), 103-134, 2015
Fragmented foes: Affective polarization in the multiparty context of the Netherlands
E Harteveld
Electoral Studies 71, 102332, 2021
Why women avoid the radical right: Internalized norms and party reputations
E Harteveld, E Ivarsflaten
British Journal of Political Science 48 (2), 369-384, 2018
Blaming Brussels? The impact of (news about) the refugee crisis on attitudes towards the EU and national politics
E Harteveld, J Schaper, SL De Lange, W Van Der Brug
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 56 (1), 157-177, 2018
Affective polarization and the populist radical right: creating the hating?
E Harteveld, P Mendoza, M Rooduijn
Government and Opposition 57 (4), 703-727, 2022
Are cities ever more cosmopolitan? Studying trends in urban-rural divergence of cultural attitudes
T Huijsmans, E Harteveld, W van der Brug, B Lancee
Political Geography 86, 102353, 2021
Winning the ‘losers’ but losing the ‘winners’? The electoral consequences of the radical right moving to the economic left
E Harteveld
Electoral Studies 44, 225-234, 2016
Ticking all the boxes? A comparative study of social sorting and affective polarization
E Harteveld
Electoral Studies 72, 102337, 2021
Multiple roots of the populist radical right: Support for the Dutch PVV in cities and the countryside
E Harteveld, W Van Der Brug, S De Lange, T Van Der Meer
European Journal of Political Research 61 (2), 440-461, 2022
Adapting to party lines: the effect of party affiliation on attitudes to immigration
E Harteveld, A Kokkonen, S Dahlberg
West European Politics 40 (6), 1177-1197, 2017
Does affective polarisation increase turnout? Evidence from Germany, The Netherlands and Spain
E Harteveld, M Wagner
West European Politics 46 (4), 732-759, 2023
Regional resentment in the Netherlands: A rural or peripheral phenomenon?
S De Lange, W van der Brug, E Harteveld
Regional Studies 57 (3), 403-415, 2023
Gender differences in vote choice: Social cues and social harmony as heuristics
E Harteveld, S Dahlberg, A Kokkonen, W Van Der Brug
British Journal of Political Science 49 (3), 1141-1161, 2019
The conditional effects of the refugee crisis on immigration attitudes and nationalism
W Van der Brug, E Harteveld
European Union Politics 22 (2), 227-247, 2021
A tough trade-off? The asymmetrical impact of populist radical right inclusion on satisfaction with democracy and government
E Harteveld, A Kokkonen, J Linde, S Dahlberg
European Political Science Review 13 (1), 113-133, 2021
Social stigma and support for the populist radical right: An experimental study
E Harteveld, S Dahlberg, A Kokkonen, W van der Brug
Scandinavian Political Studies 42 (3-4), 296-307, 2019
The potential of immigrant parties: insights from the Dutch case
F Vermeulen, E Harteveld, A Van Heelsum, A van der Veen
Acta Politica 55 (3), 432-453, 2020
Left–right ideology as an inferential device in multiparty systems: Can citizens overcome low information by imputing parties' policy positions?
S Dahlberg, E Harteveld
Electoral Studies 42, 175-187, 2016
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