Sharon A Johnson
Sharon A Johnson
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A theory of organization-EHR affordance actualization
DM Strong, O Volkoff, SA Johnson, LR Pelletier, B Tulu, I Bar-On, J Trudel, ...
Journal of the association for information systems 15 (2), 2, 2014
Numerical solution of continuous-state dynamic programs using linear and spline interpolation
SA Johnson, JR Stedinger, CA Shoemaker, Y Li, JA Tejada-Guibert
Operations Research, 1993
The value of hydrologic information in stochastic dynamic programming models of a multireservoir system
JA Tejada‐Guibert, SA Johnson, JR Stedinger
Water resources research 31 (10), 2571-2579, 1995
Comparison of two approaches for implementing multireservoir operating policies derived using stochastic dynamic programming
JA Tejada‐Guibert, SA Johnson, JR Stedinger
Water resources research 29 (12), 3969-3980, 1993
Lean six sigma and environmental sustainability: a hospital perspective
Q Zhu, S Johnson, J Sarkis
Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal 19 (1), 25-41, 2018
Heuristic operating policies for reservoir system simulation
SA Johnson, JR Stedinger, K Staschus
Water Resources Research 27 (5), 673-685, 1991
Patient-centered care requires a patient-oriented workflow model
M Ozkaynak, P Flatley Brennan, DA Hanauer, S Johnson, J Aarts, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 20 (e1), e14-e16, 2013
An analysis of patient-provider secure messaging at two Veterans Health Administration medical centers: message content and resolution through secure messaging
SL Shimada, BA Petrakis, JA Rothendler, M Zirkle, S Zhao, H Feng, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 24 (5), 942-949, 2017
Patient portals: an underused resource for improving patient engagement
B Tulu, J Trudel, DM Strong, SA Johnson, D Sundaresan, L Garber
Chest 149 (1), 272-277, 2016
Identifying “best” applicants in recruiting using data envelopment analysis
SA Johnson, J Zhu
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 37 (2), 125-139, 2003
Prenatal development of postnatal functions
B Hopkins, SP Johnson
Praeger Publishers, 2005
Integrating enterprise decision-making modules into undergraduate management and industrial engineering curricula
DM Strong, SA Johnson, JJ Mistry
Journal of Information Systems Education 15 (3), 301, 2004
Clinical workflow analysis, process redesign, and quality improvement
M Ozkaynak, K Unertl, S Johnson, J Brixey, SN Haque
Clinical informatics study guide: Text and review, 103-118, 2022
Teaching lean process design using a discovery approach
SA Johnson, A Gerstenfeld, BR AZelig, S Mishra
Integrating a discovery‐based laboratory to teach supply chain management fundamentals in an undergraduate management course
A Zeng, S Johnson
Innovations in Education and Teaching International 46 (1), 71-82, 2009
Applying the axiomatic approach to business process redesign
M Cotoia, S Johnson
Business Process Management Journal 7 (4), 304-322, 2001
Emergency department safety assessment and follow-up evaluation 2: an implementation trial to improve suicide prevention
ED Boudreaux, BL Haskins, C Larkin, L Pelletier, SA Johnson, B Stanley, ...
Contemporary clinical trials 95, 106075, 2020
Personal health records: identifying utilization patterns from system use logs and patient interviews
B Tulu, D Strong, S Johnson, I Bar-On, J Trudel, L Garber
2012 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2716-2725, 2012
Hackathon as a way to raise awareness and foster innovation for stroke
LM Li, S Johnson
Arquivos de neuro-psiquiatria 73, 1002-1004, 2015
Leadership skills, job satisfaction, and motivation in the workplace: a phenomenological research study
S Johnson
University of Phoenix, 2014
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Articles 1–20