Lukas Spitzer
Lukas Spitzer
Entomologický ústav BC AV ČR, v.v.i.
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Spontaneous succession in limestone quarries as an effective restoration tool for endangered arthropods and plants
R Tropek, T Kadlec, P Karesova, L Spitzer, P Kocarek, I Malenovsky, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 47 (1), 139-147, 2010
Technical reclamations are wasting the conservation potential of post-mining sites. A case study of black coal spoil dumps
R Tropek, T Kadlec, M Hejda, P Kocarek, J Skuhrovec, I Malenovsky, ...
Ecological Engineering 43, 13-18, 2012
Does closure of traditionally managed open woodlands threaten epigeic invertebrates? Effects of coppicing and high deer densities
L Spitzer, M Konvicka, J Benes, R Tropek, IH Tuf, J Tufova
Biological conservation 141 (3), 827-837, 2008
Can quarries supplement rare xeric habitats in a piedmont region? Spiders of the Blansky les Mts, Czech Republic
R Tropek, M Konvicka
Land Degradation & Development 19 (1), 104-114, 2008
The Large Blue butterfly, Phengaris [Maculinea] arion, as a conservation umbrella on a landscape scale: The case of the Czech Carpathians
L Spitzer, J Benes, J Dandova, V Jaskova, M Konvicka
Ecological Indicators 9 (6), 1056-1063, 2009
Local and landscape factors affecting communities of plants and diurnal Lepidoptera in black coal spoil heaps: implications for restoration management
R Tropek, M Hejda, T Kadlec, L Spitzer
Ecological Engineering 57, 252-260, 2013
Two groups of epigeic arthropods differ in colonising of piedmont quarries: the necessity of multi-taxa and life-history traits approaches in the monitoring studies
R Tropek, L Spitzer, M Konvicka
Community Ecology 9 (2), 177-184, 2008
Hovering sunbirds in the Old World: occasional behaviour or evolutionary trend?
Š Janeček, E Patáčová, M Bartoš, E Padyšáková, L Spitzer, R Tropek
Oikos 120 (2), 178-183, 2011
Impact of C ry1 A b toxin expression on the non‐target insects dwelling on maize plants
O Habuštová, P Doležal, L Spitzer, Z Svobodová, H Hussein, F Sehnal
Journal of Applied Entomology 138 (3), 164-172, 2014
Co-occurrence of three Aristolochia-feeding Papilionids (Archon apollinus, Zerynthia polyxena and Zerynthia cerisy) in Greek Thrace
J Slancarova, P Vrba, M Platek, M Zapletal, L Spitzer, M Konvicka
Journal of Natural History 49 (29-30), 1825-1848, 2015
Communities of ground‐dwelling arthropods in conventional and transgenic maize: background data for the post‐market environmental monitoring
O Skoková Habuštová, Z Svobodová, L Spitzer, P Doležal, HM Hussein, ...
Journal of Applied Entomology 139 (1-2), 31-45, 2015
A biannual study on the environmental impact of Bt maize
F Sehnal, O Habustova, L Spitzer, HM Hussein, V Ruzicka
IOBC wprs Bulletin 27 (3), 147-160, 2004
Specialization of pollination systems of two co-flowering phenotypically generalized Hypericum species (Hypericaceae) in Cameroon
M Bartoš, R Tropek, L Spitzer, E Padyšáková, P Janšta, J Straka, M Tkoč, ...
Arthropod-Plant Interactions 9, 241-252, 2015
Oviposition of the Niobe fritillary [Argynnis niobe (Linnaeus, 1758)] at submountain conditions in the Czech Carpathians (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae)
L Spitzer, J Beneš, M Konvička
Nachrichten des Entomologischen Vereins Apollo 30 (3), 165-168, 2009
Obnova druhově bohatých luk v Bílých Karpatech
I Jongepierová, K Prach, K Fajmon, E Malaníková, I Malenovský, L Spitzer
Agentura ochrany přírody a krajiny České republiky, 2018
Habitat preferences of the grasshopper Psophus stridulus, a charismatic species of submontane pastures
S Rada, L Spitzer, J Šipoš, T Kuras
Insect Conservation and Diversity 10 (4), 310-320, 2017
Společenstvo členovců (Arthropoda) zimujících na jedli bělokoré (Abies alba) na Valašsku (okr. Vsetín, Česká republika)
L Spitzer, O Konvička, R Tropek, M Roháčová, IH Tuf, O Nedvěd
Časopis Slezského Zemského Muzea, Opava, série A–vĕdy přírodní 59, 217-232, 2010
Příspěvek k poznání fauny epigeických bezobratlých dvou přírodních jedlobukových lesů ve Vsetínských vrších (Česká republika)
L Spitzer, IH Tuf, J Tufová, R Tropek
Práce a Studie Muzea Beskyd (Přírodní vědy) 19, 71-82, 2007
Biodiversity of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in genetically modified (Bt) and conventional (non-Bt) potato fields in Bulgaria
P Kalushkov, B Gueorguiev, L Spitzer, O Nedved
Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 23 (3), 1346-1350, 2009
Denní motýli v Krkonoších: atlas rozšíření
O Čížek, P Vrba, J Zámečník, T Kadlec, M Konvička, E Myśków, A Sala, ...
Správa Krkonošského národního parku, 2015
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Articles 1–20