Wataru Toyokawa
Wataru Toyokawa
Unit Leader, RIKEN Centre of Brain Science
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Cited by
Detecting affiliation in colaughter across 24 societies
GA Bryant, DMT Fessler, R Fusaroli, E Clint, L Aarĝe, CL Apicella, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (17), 4682-4687, 2016
Social learning strategies regulate the wisdom and madness of interactive crowds
W Toyokawa, A Whalen, KN Laland
Nature human behaviour 3 (2), 183-193, 2019
Information aggregation and collective intelligence beyond the wisdom of crowds
T Kameda, W Toyokawa, RS Tindale
Nature Reviews Psychology 1 (6), 345-357, 2022
Human collective intelligence under dual exploration-exploitation dilemmas
W Toyokawa, H Kim, T Kameda
PloS one 9 (4), e95789, 2014
Overconfidence is universal? Elicitation of Genuine Overconfidence (EGO) procedure reveals systematic differences across domain, task knowledge, and incentives in four populations
M Muthukrishna, J Henrich, W Toyokawa, T Hamamura, T Kameda, ...
PloS one 13 (8), e0202288, 2018
Is consensus-seeking unique to humans? A selective review of animal group decision-making and its implications for (human) social psychology
T Kameda, T Wisdom, W Toyokawa, K Inukai
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 15 (5), 673-689, 2012
Individual differences in learning behaviours in humans: Asocial exploration tendency does not predict reliance on social learning
W Toyokawa, Y Saito, T Kameda
Evolution and Human Behavior 38 (3), 325-333, 2017
Animal learning as a source of developmental bias
KN Laland, W Toyokawa, T Oudman
Evolution & development 22 (1-2), 126-142, 2020
Conformist social learning leads to self-organised prevention against adverse bias in risky decision making
W Toyokawa, W Gaissmaier
eLife, 2022
The concept of herd behaviour: its psychological and neural underpinnings
T Kameda, K Inukai, T Wisdom, W Toyokawa
Sciences 420 (8), 2014
Cross-cultural and cross-organizational evidence for an evolved hazing motivation
A Cimino, W Toyokawa, M Komatsu, R Thomson, SJC Gaulin
Evolutionary Psychology 17 (4), 1474704919887943, 2019
How do we decide when (not) to free-ride? Risk tolerance predicts behavioral plasticity in cooperation
H Kim, W Toyokawa, T Kameda
Evolution and Human Behavior 40 (1), 55-64, 2019
Social learning with a grain of salt
A Witt, W Toyokawa, KN Lala, W Gaissmaier, CM Wu
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 45 (45), 2023
Social learning strategies regulate the wisdom and madness of interactive crowds. Nature Human Behaviour, 3 (2), 183-193
W Toyokawa, A Whalen, KN Laland
Scrounging by foragers can resolve the paradox of enrichment
W Toyokawa
Royal Society open science 4 (3), 160830, 2017
Flexible integration of social information despite interindividual differences in reward
A Witt, W Toyokawa, K Lala, W Gaissmaier, CM Wu
Preprint at https://doi. org/10.31234/osf. io/e4g3q, 2024
" 探索と収穫のジレンマ" における社会的学習と集合知効果の実験的検討
豊川航, 亀田達也
北海道心理学研究= The annals of the Hokkaido Psychological Society, 1-14, 2013
ヒトと動物の [集団意思決定] をつなぐ
豊川航, 亀田達也
動物心理学研究 63 (2), 107-122, 2013
Humans flexibly integrate social information despite interindividual differences in reward
A Witt, W Toyokawa, KN Lala, W Gaissmaier, CM Wu
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121 (39), e2404928121, 2024
Social learning with a grain of salt
C Wu, K Lala, W Gaissmaier, W Toyokawa, A Witt
PsyArXiv, 2024
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Articles 1–20