Carlos J. Gil-Hernández
Carlos J. Gil-Hernández
University of Florence
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Cited by
Intergenerational Social Mobility in Spain between 1956 and 2011: The Role of Educational Expansion and Economic Modernisation in a Late Industrialised Country
CJ Gil-Hernández, I Marqués-Perales, S Fachelli
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 51, …, 2017
Social origins and over-education of Spanish university graduates: Is access to the service class merit-based
I Marqués Perales, CJ Gil-Hernández
Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas 150 (89), 112, 2015
Adolescents' educational aspirations and ethnic background: The case of students of African and Latin American migrant origins in Spain
CJ Gil-Hernández, P Gracia
Demographic Research 38 (23), 577-618, 2018
The Social-Origins Gap in Labour Market Outcomes: Compensatory and Boosting Advantages Using a Micro-Class Approach
F Bernardi, CJ Gil-Hernández
European Sociological Review, 2020
Do Well-off Families Compensate for Low Cognitive Ability? Evidence on Social Inequality in Early Schooling from a Twin Study
CJ Gil-Hernández
Sociology of Education 92 (2), 2019
The (Unequal) Interplay Between Cognitive and Noncognitive Skills in Early Educational Attainment
CJ Gil-Hernández
American Behavioral Scientist, 2021
Cracking Meritocracy from the Starting Gate: Social Inequality in Skill Formation and School Choice
CJ Gil-Hernández
European University Institute, 2020
Chapter 10. Intergenerational Social Mobility in Twentieth-Century Spain: Social Fluidity without Educational Equalization?
CJ Gil-Hernández, F Bernardi, R Luijkx
Education and Intergenerational Social Mobility in Europe and the United …, 2020
Digital engagement and its association with adverse psychiatric symptoms: A longitudinal cohort study utilizing latent class analysis
R Brannigan, CJ Gil-Hernandez, O McEvoy, F Cronin, D Stanistreet, ...
Computers in Human Behavior 133, 107290, 2022
Technological Change, Tasks and Class Inequality in Europe
CJ Gil-Hernández, G Vidal, S Torrejón Pérez
Work, Employment and Society, 2023
Chapter 17: The early roots of the digital divide: socioeconomic inequality in children's ICT literacy from primary to secondary schooling
G Passaretta, CJ Gil-Hernández
Research Handbook on Digital Sociology, 307–327, 2023
¿’La pela es la pela’? Renta, clase social y secesionismo
G Vidal, CJG Hernández
Agenda Pública-El País 22, 2019
Interaction of family SES with children’s genetic propensity for cognitive and noncognitive skills: No evidence of the Scarr-Rowe hypothesis for educational outcomes
G Ghirardi, CJ Gil-Hernández, F Bernardi, E van Bergen, P Demange
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 2024
La Brecha de Clase en España: Microclases y Mecanismos
F Bernardi, CJ Gil-Hernández
Perspectivas y fronteras en el estudio de la desigualdad social: movilidad …, 2020
Teacher Bias in Assessments by Student Ascribed Status: A Factorial Experiment on Discrimination in Education
CJ Gil-Hernández, I Pañeda-Fernández, L Salazar, J Castaño Muñoz
Sociological Science 11, 743-776, 2024
DIGCLASS: A package to translate between occupational classes in R. Currently translate ISCO68/88/08 to dozens of occupational classes
J Cimentada, G Vidal, CJ Gil-Hernández, O Smallenbroek, 2023
Teacher's Bias Dataset: A Factorial Survey Experiment
CJ Gil-Hernández, L Salazar, J Castaño Muñoz, I Pañeda-Fernández
La estratificación social del riesgo de contagio y mortalidad por la COVID-19
F Bernardi, CJ Gil-Hernández
Sociología en tiempos de pandemia. Impactos y desafíos sociales de la crisis …, 2021
‘An Elephant in the Classroom’: Teacher Bias by Student SES or Ability Measurement Bias?
CJ Gil-Hernández, M Cañizares Espadafor
DISIA Working Paper, 2024
The Long Path from Periphery to Core: Social Mobility in Southern European Countries
I Marqués-Perales, M Herrera-Usagre, CJ Gil-Hernández
Journal of Social Policy, Social Change and Development 2 (1), 1-18, 2024
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Articles 1–20