Hasan A Poonawala
Hasan A Poonawala
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Kentucky
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Cited by
A robust parameterization of human gait patterns across phase-shifting perturbations
DJ Villarreal, HA Poonawala, RD Gregg
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 25 (3 …, 2016
Robust optimal control of quadrotor UAVs
AC Satici, H Poonawala, MW Spong
IEEE Access 1, 79-93, 2013
Collision-free formation control with decentralized connectivity preservation for nonholonomic-wheeled mobile robots
HA Poonawala, AC Satici, H Eckert, MW Spong
IEEE Transactions on control of Network Systems 2 (2), 122-130, 2014
Preserving strong connectivity in directed proximity graphs
HA Poonawala, MW Spong
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 62 (9), 4392-4404, 2017
Leader-follower formation control of nonholonomic wheeled mobile robots using only position measurements
HA Poonawala, AC Satici, MW Spong
2013 9th Asian Control Conference (ASCC), 1-6, 2013
Sequential convex programming for the efficient verification of parametric MDPs
M Cubuktepe, N Jansen, S Junges, JP Katoen, I Papusha, HA Poonawala, ...
International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and …, 2017
Robust control for dynamical systems with non-gaussian noise via formal abstractions
T Badings, L Romao, A Abate, D Parker, HA Poonawala, M Stoelinga, ...
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 76, 341-391, 2023
Sampling-based robust control of autonomous systems with non-gaussian noise
TS Badings, A Abate, N Jansen, D Parker, HA Poonawala, M Stoelinga
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 36 (9), 9669-9678, 2022
Connectivity preserving formation control with collision avoidance for nonholonomic wheeled mobile robots
AC Satici, H Poonawala, H Eckert, MW Spong
2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2013
Decentralized estimation of the algebraic connectivity for strongly connected networks
HA Poonawala, MW Spong
2015 American Control Conference (ACC), 4068-4073, 2015
Formation control of wheeled robots with vision-based position measurement
H Poonawala, AC Satici, N Gans, MW Spong
2012 American Control Conference (ACC), 3173-3178, 2012
Time-optimal velocity tracking control for differential drive robots
HA Poonawala, MW Spong
Automatica 85, 153-157, 2017
Traffic management for urban air mobility
S Bharadwaj, S Carr, N Neogi, H Poonawala, AB Chueca, U Topcu
NASA Formal Methods: 11th International Symposium, NFM 2019, Houston, TX …, 2019
Stability analysis and controller synthesis using single-hidden-layer relu neural networks
P Samanipour, HA Poonawala
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 69 (1), 202-213, 2023
AI-enabled dynamic finish machining optimization for sustained surface integrity
J Schoop, HA Poonawala, D Adenji, B Clark
Manufacturing Letters 29, 42-46, 2021
Stability analysis via refinement of piece-wise linear Lyapunov functions
HA Poonawala
2019 IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 1442-1447, 2019
Training classifiers for feedback control with safety in mind
HA Poonawala, N Lauffer, U Topcu
Automatica 128, 109509, 2021
On maintaining visibility in multi-robot-networks with limited field-of-view sensors
HA Poonawala, MW Spong
2017 American Control Conference (ACC), 4983-4988, 2017
Cooperative visibility maintenance in SE (3) for multi-robot-networks with limited field-of-view sensors
HA Poonawala, MW Spong
Control Theory and Technology 15, 246-257, 2017
On the impact of gravity compensation on reinforcement learning in goal-reaching tasks for robotic manipulators
J Fugal, J Bae, HA Poonawala
Robotics 10 (1), 46, 2021
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Articles 1–20