Joseph P Hella
Joseph P Hella
Professor, Sokoine University of Agriculture
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Social and economic factors affecting the adoption of soil and water conservation in West Usambara highlands, Tanzania
AJ Tenge, J De Graaff, JP Hella
Land Degradation & Development 15 (2), 99-114, 2004
Key economic sectors and services
DJ Arent, RSJ Tol, E Faust, JP Hella, S Kumar, KM Strzepek, FL Tóth, ...
Climate change 2014 impacts, adaptation and vulnerability: Part a: Global …, 2015
Financial efficiency of major soil and water conservation measures in West Usambara highlands, Tanzania
AJ Tenge, JP Hella
Applied Geography 25 (4), 348-366, 2005
Behavioral responses and the impact of new agricultural technologies: Evidence from a double‐blind field experiment in Tanzania
E Bulte, G Beekman, S Di Falco, J Hella, P Lei
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 96 (3), 813-830, 2014
Ratification of the Ramsar convention and sustainable wetlands management: Situation analysis of the Kilombero Valley wetlands in Tanzania
FM Mombo, S Speelman, G Van Huylenbroeck, J Hella, M Pantaleo, ...
Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development 3 (9), 153-164, 2011
The art of balancing food security: securing availability and affordability of food in Tanzania
R Haug, J Hella
Food security 5, 415-426, 2013
Small scale farmers’ adaptation to climate change effects in Pangani River Basin and Pemba: challenges and opportunities
GJ Sanga, AB Moshi, JP Hella
Modern Scientific Press, 2013
The Role of Informal and Semi-formal finance in Poverty Alleviation in Tanzania: Results of a field study in two regions
AK Kashuliza, JP Hella, FT Magayane, ZSK Mvena
REPOA, 1998
Agro-investment in Africa: impact on land and livelihoods in Mozambique and Tanzania
R Kaarhus, R Haug, JP Hella, JR Makindara
Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, 2010
On-farm verification of maize/cowpea intercropping on the control of Striga under subsistence farming
CR Massawe, JS Kaswende, AM Mbwaga, JP Hella
Integrated Approaches to Higher Maize Productivity in the New Millennium …, 2004
High global food prices–crisis or opportunity for smallholder farmers in Tanzania?
JP Hella, R Haug, IM Kamile
Global Food-Price Shocks and Poor People, 198-211, 2014
Assessment of operational aspects of the input supply chain under national agriculture input voucher scheme (NAIVS) in Tanzania
GM Aloyce, DM Gabagambi, JP Hella
Academic Journals, 2014
Development and promotion of Alectra resistant cowpea cultivars for smallholder farmers in Malawi and Tanzania
A Mbwaga, J Hella, J Mligo, V Kabambe, J Bokos
McKnight Foundation Collaborative Crops Research Project 6741, 2010
Consumer preferences and market potential for sorghum based clear beer in Tanzania
J Makindara, J Hella, J Erbaugh, D Larson
Academic Journals, 2013
If technology is the answer, what does it take?
R Haug, JP Hella, S Nchimbi-Msolla, DL Mwaseba, G Synnevag
Development in Practice 26 (3), 375-386, 2016
National agricultural input voucher scheme impact on productivity and food security of smallholder farmers in Tanzania
GM Aloyce, DM Gabagambi, JP Hella
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 2014
How characteristics of wetlands resource users and associated institutions influence the sustainable management of wetlands in Tanzania
F Mombo, S Speelman, J Hella, G Van Huylenbroeck
Land Use Policy 35, 8-15, 2013
Agricultural production risks, coping mechanisms and potential for crop insurance in Tanzania
AM Akyoo, AE Temu, JP Hella
Time Journals of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences 1 (1), 11-22, 2013
Usage of Climate Smart Agriculture Practices: An Analysis of Farm Households' Decisions in Southern Highlands of Tanzania
AJ Bongole, KMK Kitundu, J Hella
Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences 19 (2), 238-255, 2020
Climate variability and farm technology adoption decisions among smallholder farmers in Pangani river basin
A Moshi, J Hella, A Isinika
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 2016
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