Mathieu Ichou
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Who they were there: Immigrants’ educational selectivity and their children’s educational attainment
M Ichou
European sociological review 30 (6), 750-765, 2014
Discrimination in healthcare as a barrier to care: experiences of socially disadvantaged populations in France from a nationally representative survey
JG Rivenbark, M Ichou
BMC public health 20 (1), 31, 2020
The healthy immigrant effect
M Ichou, M Wallace
Demographic Research 40, 61-94, 2019
The LifeCycle Project-EU Child Cohort Network: a federated analysis infrastructure and harmonized data of more than 250,000 children and parents
VWV Jaddoe, JF Felix, AMN Andersen, MA Charles, L Chatzi, ...
European journal of epidemiology 35, 709-724, 2020
Différences d'origine et origine des différences: les résultats scolaires des enfants d'émigrés/immigrés en France du début de l'école primaire à la fin du collège
M Ichou
Revue française de sociologie 54 (1), 5-52, 2013
Les enfants d’immigrés à l’école : inégalités scolaires du primaire à l’enseignement supérieur
M Ichou
École et migration : un accord dissonant ?, 23-31, 2020
Do all roads lead to inequality? Trends in French upper secondary school analysed with four longitudinal surveys
M Ichou, LA Vallet
Oxford review of education 37 (2), 167-194, 2011
Status loss: The burden of positively selected immigrants
P Engzell, M Ichou
International Migration Review 54 (2), 471-495, 2020
Academic achievement, tracking decisions, and their relative contribution to educational inequalities
M Ichou, LA Vallet
Determined to succeed, 116-148, 2013
Le rapport à l’école des familles déclarant une origine immigrée: enquête dans quatre lycées de la banlieue populaire
M Ichou, M Oberti
Population 69 (4), 617-657, 2014
Rapprocher les familles populaires de l’école
M Ichou
Analyse d’un lieu commun, Dossiers d’études, CNAF 125, 2010
Relative risk aversion models: How plausible are their assumptions?
C Barone, K Barg, M Ichou
Rationality and Society 33 (2), 143-175, 2021
Origine migratoire et inégalités scolaires: étude longitudinale des résultats scolaires des descendants d’immigrés en France et en Angleterre
M Ichou
Revue française de pédagogie 191, 29-46, 2015
Saisir la position sociale des ménages: une approche par configurations
J Cayouette-Remblière, M Ichou
Revue française de sociologie, 385-427, 2019
Au-delà de la crise des migrants : décentrer le regard
C Beauchemin, M Ichou
Karthala, 2016
Immigrants’ educational attainment: A mixed picture, but often higher than the average in their country of origin
M Ichou, A Goujon
Population Societies 541 (2), 1-3, 2017
Performances scolaires, orientation et inégalités sociales d’éducation. Évolution en France en quatre décennies
M Ichou, LA Vallet
Éducation et formations, 9-18, 2012
Immigrant families’ relationship with the school system: A survey of four working-class suburban high schools
M Ichou, M Oberti, O Waine
Population 69 (4), 557-597, 2014
High selection, low success: The heterogeneous effect of migrants’ access to employment on their remigration
L Caron, M Ichou
International Migration Review 54 (4), 1104-1133, 2020
France: The increasing recognition of migration and ethnicity as a source of educational inequalities
M Ichou, A Van Zanten
The Palgrave handbook of race and ethnic inequalities in education, 509-556, 2019
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