Tamara Metze
Tamara Metze
Professor of Public Administration
Geverifieerd e-mailadres voor telfort.nl
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Geciteerd door
The politics of co-production: participation, power, and transformation
E Turnhout, T Metze, C Wyborn, N Klenk, E Louder
Current opinion in environmental sustainability 42, 15-21, 2020
Principles, drivers and opportunities of a circular bioeconomy
A Muscat, EM de Olde, R Ripoll-Bosch, HHE Van Zanten, TAP Metze, ...
Nature Food 2 (8), 561-566, 2021
Fracking the debate: Frame shifts and boundary work in Dutch decision making on shale gas
T Metze
Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 19 (1), 35-52, 2017
More than peanuts: Transformation towards a circular economy through a small-wins governance framework
C Termeer, TAP Metze
Journal of Cleaner Production 240, 118272, 2019
Dynamic discourse coalitions on hydro-fracking in Europe and the United States
T Metze, J Dodge
Environmental Communication 10 (3), 365-379, 2016
Words matter in policy and planning: discourse theory and method in the social sciences.
MA Brink, T Metze
Netherlands geographical studies (, 2006
Visualization in environmental policy and planning: A systematic review and research agenda
T Metze
Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 22 (5), 745-760, 2020
Hydraulic fracturing as an interpretive policy problem: Lessons on energy controversies in Europe and the USA
J Dodge, T Metze
Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 19 (1), 1-13, 2017
Framing the future of fracking: Discursive lock-in or energy degrowth in the Netherlands?
T Metze
Journal of Cleaner Production 197, 1737-1745, 2018
Innovation Ltd: Boundary work in deliberative governance in land use planning
T Metze
Eburon Uitgeverij BV, 2010
The legitimacy of regional governance networks: Gaining credibility in the shadow of hierarchy
M Levelt, T Metze
Urban Studies 51 (11), 2371-2386, 2014
Vallende wethouders: een verkenning van de vertrekredenen van onvrijwillig teruggetreden bestuurders op lokaal niveau
H Aardema, M Boogers, AFA Korsten
Bestuurswetenschappen 66 (2), 13-34, 2012
Barriers to credible innovations: Collaborative regional governance in the Netherlands
TAP Metze, M Levelt
The Innovation Journal 17 (1), 1-15, 2012
Discursive power in deliberations: A case of redevelopment for the creative economy in the Netherlands
TAP Metze
Policy and Society 28 (3), 241-251, 2009
Environmental visualizations: Framing and reframing between science, policy and society
L van Beek, T Metze, E Kunseler, H Huitzing, F de Blois, A Wardekker
Environmental Science & Policy 114, 497-505, 2020
Pigs in the city: reflective deliberations on the boundary concept of agroparks in The Netherlands
TAP Metze, S Van Zuydam
Journal of environmental policy & planning 20 (6), 675-688, 2018
Politiek, participatie en experts in de besluitvorming over super wicked problems
T Metze, E Turnhout
Bestuurskunde 23 (2), 3-12, 2014
Fuel to the fire: Risk governance and framing of shale gas in the Netherlands
T Metze
The Extractive Industries and Society 5 (4), 663-672, 2018
Conceptualizing controversies in the EU circular bioeconomy transition
JR Starke, TAP Metze, JJL Candel, CJAM Termeer
Ambio 51 (10), 2079-2090, 2022
Innovation ltd
T Metze
Delft, Netherlands: Eburon Academic, 2010
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