Gijs Geleijnse
Gijs Geleijnse
Senior Clinical Data Scientist, IKNL Netherlands Comprehensive Cancer Organisation
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Cited by
Explainable machine learning can outperform Cox regression predictions and provide insights in breast cancer survival
A Moncada-Torres, MC van Maaren, MP Hendriks, S Siesling, ...
Scientific reports 11 (1), 6968, 2021
Toward a persuasive mobile application to reduce sedentary behavior
S Van Dantzig, G Geleijnse, AT Van Halteren
Personal and ubiquitous computing 17, 1237-1246, 2013
Deriving a recipe similarity measure for recommending healthful meals
Y Van Pinxteren, G Geleijnse, P Kamsteeg
Proceedings of the 16th international conference on Intelligent user …, 2011
A personalized recipe advice system to promote healthful choices
G Geleijnse, P Nachtigall, P van Kaam, L Wijgergangs
Proceedings of the 16th international conference on Intelligent user …, 2011
The Quest for Ground Truth in Musical Artist Tagging in the Social Web Era.
G Geleijnse, M Schedl, P Knees
ISMIR, 525-530, 2007
VANTAGE6: an open source priVAcy preserviNg federaTed leArninG infrastructurE for Secure Insight eXchange
A Moncada-Torres, F Martin, M Sieswerda, J Van Soest, G Geleijnse
AMIA annual symposium proceedings 2020, 870, 2021
Depression as an independent prognostic factor for all-cause mortality after a hospital admission for worsening heart failure
I Sokoreli, JJG De Vries, JM Riistama, SC Pauws, EW Steyerberg, ...
International Journal of Cardiology 220, 202-207, 2016
Machine learning explainability in breast cancer survival
T Jansen, G Geleijnse, M Van Maaren, MP Hendriks, A Ten Teije, ...
Digital Personalized Health and Medicine, 307-311, 2020
Comparing text entry methods for interactive television applications
G Geleijnse, D Aliakseyeu, E Sarroukh
Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Interactive TV and Video, 145-148, 2009
Automatic Ontology Population by Googling.
G Geleijnse, JHM Korst
BNAIC, 120-126, 2005
A narrative review on the collection and use of electronic patient-reported outcomes in cancer survivorship care with emphasis on symptom monitoring
CJG Van Den Hurk, F Mols, M Eicher, RJ Chan, A Becker, G Geleijnse, ...
Current Oncology 29 (6), 4370-4385, 2022
Communicative aspects of decision aids for localized prostate cancer treatment–A systematic review
RD Vromans, MC van Eenbergen, SC Pauws, G Geleijnse, ...
Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations 37 (7), 409-429, 2019
Web-Based Artist Categorization.
G Geleijnse, JHM Korst
ISMIR, 266-271, 2006
Mining user experiences from online forums: an exploration
V Jijkoun, W Weerkamp, M de Rijke, P Ackermans, G Geleijnse
Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Computational Linguistics in a …, 2010
Learning effective surface text patterns for information extraction
G Geleijnse, J Kors
Proceedings of the Workshop on Adaptive Text Extraction and Mining (ATEM 2006), 2006
Heuristic approaches for the quartet method of hierarchical clustering
S Consoli, K Darby-Dowman, G Geleijnse, J Korst, S Pauws
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 22 (10), 1428-1443, 2009
Prognostic factors analysis for oral cavity cancer survival in the Netherlands and Taiwan using a privacy-preserving federated infrastructure
G Geleijnse, RRCJ Chiang, M Sieswerda, M Schuurman, KC Lee, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 20526, 2020
Exploring cancer survivor needs and preferences for communicating personalized cancer statistics from registry data: qualitative multimethod study
RD Vromans, MC van Eenbergen, G Geleijnse, S Pauws, ...
JMIR cancer 7 (4), e25659, 2021
Clinical support system and method
G Geleijnse, A Tesanovic, JJG De Vries
US Patent App. 14/421,182, 2015
Efficient Lyrics Extraction from the Web.
G Geleijnse, JHM Korst
ISMIR, 371-372, 2006
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Articles 1–20