Rob Stikkelman
Rob Stikkelman
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Assessing relative importance and mutual influence of barriers for CCS deployment of the ROAD project using AHP and DEMATEL methods
J Sara, RM Stikkelman, PM Herder
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 41, 336-357, 2015
Designing infrastructures using a complex systems perspective
PM Herder, I Bouwmans, GPJ Dijkema, RM Stikkelman, MPC Weijnen
Journal of design research 7 (1), 17-34, 2008
Methanol-based industrial cluster design: a study of design options and the design process
PM Herder, RM Stikkelman
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 43 (14), 3879-3885, 2004
A study of gas and liquid distributions in structured packings
R Stikkelman, H Teeuw, H Wesselingh, J de Graauw, Z Olujic
Chemical engineering & technology 12 (1), 445-449, 1989
Cooperation under uncertainty: Assessing the value of risk sharing and determining the optimal risk-sharing rule for agents with pre-existing business and diverging risk attitudes
Y Melese, S Lumbreras, A Ramos, R Stikkelman, P Herder
International Journal of Project Management 35 (3), 530-540, 2017
Gas and liquid maldistributions in packed columns
RM Stikkelman
Academisch Boeken Centrum, 1989
Liquid and gas flow patterns in packed columns
RM Stikkelman
Delft University of Technology, 1989
An approach for integrating valuable flexibility during conceptual design of networks
YG Melese, PW Heijnen, RM Stikkelman, PM Herder
Networks and Spatial Economics 17, 317-341, 2017
Maximising the worth of nascent networks
PW Heijnen, A Ligtvoet, RM Stikkelman, PM Herder
Networks and Spatial economics 14, 27-46, 2014
Design of a syngas infrastructure
PM Herder, RM Stikkelman, GPJ Dijkema, AF Correljé
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 25, 223-228, 2008
A socio-technical perspective to flexible design of energy infrastructure systems
Y Melese, R Stikkelman, P Herder
2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC …, 2016
Exploring for real options during CCS networks conceptual design to mitigate effects of path-dependency and lock-in
YG Melese, PW Heijnen, RM Stikkelman, PM Herder
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 42, 16-25, 2015
An approach for flexible design of infrastructure networks via a risk sharing contract: The case of CO2 transport infrastructure
Y Melese, P Heijnen, R Stikkelman, P Herder
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 63, 401-411, 2017
Designing networked energy infrastructures with architectural flexibility
YG Melese, PW Heijnen, RM Stikkelman
Procedia Computer Science 28, 179-186, 2014
Assessing complexity of carbon capture and storage using multi-criteria decision-making methods
J Sara, RM Stikkelman, PM Herder
2015 Annual IEEE Systems Conference (SysCon) Proceedings, 145-152, 2015
Position paper Eemsdelta.“Perspectieven en kansen voor duurzame economische ontwikkeling van de Eemsdelta”. Een systematische verkenning. Delft
GPJ Dijkema, RM Stikkelman
Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management …, 2006
Electricity production from renewable and non-renewable energy sources: a comparison of environmental, economic and social sustainability indicators with exergy losses …
L Stougie, HJ Van der Kooi, RM Stikkelman
ECOS 2012, Proceedings of the 25th international conference on efficiency …, 2012
Developing a methanol-based industrial cluster
RM Stikkelman, PM Herder, R van der Wal, D Schor
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 14, 305-310, 2003
Drivers, options and approaches for two seaport authorities on the joint reduction of bunker oil related emissions
RM Stikkelman, MG Minnée, M Prinssen, AF Correljé
European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research 12 (1), 2012
Decision making in the methanol production chain a screening tool for exploring alternative production chains
PM Herder, RM Stikkelman
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 15, 481-486, 2003
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