A. Pożarlik
Cited by
Cited by
Hydrothermal carbonization of wet biomass from nitrogen and phosphorus approach: A review
CI Aragón-Briceño, AK Pozarlik, EA Bramer, L Niedzwiecki, ...
Renewable energy 171, 401-415, 2021
The impact of spray quality on the combustion of a viscous biofuel in a micro gas turbine
J Sallevelt, JEP Gudde, AK Pozarlik, G Brem
Applied energy 132, 575-585, 2014
Techno-economic study of a zero-emission methanol based energy storage system
JA Baak, AK Pozarlik, MJ Arentsen, G Brem
Energy conversion and management 182, 530-545, 2019
Integration of hydrothermal carbonization treatment for water and energy recovery from organic fraction of municipal solid waste digestate
C Aragon-Briceño, A Pożarlik, E Bramer, G Brem, S Wang, Y Wen, ...
Renewable energy 184, 577-591, 2022
Characterization of viscous biofuel sprays using digital imaging in the near field region
J Sallevelt, AK Pozarlik, G Brem
Applied Energy 147, 161-175, 2015
Numerical study of pyrolysis oil combustion in an industrial gas turbine
JLHP Sallevelt, AK Pozarlik, G Brem
Energy conversion and management 127, 504-514, 2016
Vibro-acoustical instabilities induced by combustion dynamics in gas turbine combustors
AK Pozarlik
Transient heat transfer between a turbulent lean partially premixed flame in limit cycle oscillation and the walls of a can type combustor
M Shahi, JBW Kok, JCR Casado, AK Pozarlik
Applied Thermal Engineering 81, 128-139, 2015
Multiphase analysis of hydrochars obtained by anaerobic digestion of municipal solid waste organic fraction
A Magdziarz, A Mlonka-Mędrala, M Sieradzka, C Aragon-Briceño, ...
Renewable Energy 175, 108-118, 2021
Industrial process description for the recovery of agricultural water from digestate
H Pawlak-Kruczek, A Urbanowska, W Yang, G Brem, A Magdziarz, ...
Journal of Energy Resources Technology 142 (7), 070917, 2020
On characteristics of a non-reacting and a reacting turbulent flow over a backward facing step (BFS)
M Shahi, JBW Kok, A Pozarlik
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 61, 16-25, 2015
Assessment of thermoacoustic instabilities in a partially premixed model combustor using URANS approach
M Shahi, JBW Kok, JCR Casado, AK Pozarlik
Applied thermal engineering 71 (1), 276-290, 2014
Bioethanol combustion in an industrial gas turbine combustor: simulations and experiments
JLHP Sallevelt, AK Pozarlik, M Beran, LU Axelsson, G Brem
Journal of engineering for gas turbines and power 136 (7), 071501, 2014
Heat transfer in a recirculation zone at steady-state and oscillating conditions: the back facing step test case
AK Pozarlik, D Panara, JBW Kok, TH van der Meer
5th European Thermal-Sciences Conference, Eurotherm 2008, 2008
Numerical investigation towards HiTAC conditions in laboratory-scale ethanol spray combustion
S Zhu, A Pozarlik, D Roekaerts, HC Rodrigues, T van der Meer
Fuel 211, 375-389, 2018
Numerical study of coupled fluid–structure interaction for combustion system
Z Khatir, AK Pozarlik, RK Cooper, JW Watterson, JBW Kok
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 56 (8), 1343-1349, 2008
Numerical simulation of evaporating charged sprays in spray chilling
A Brentjes, AK Pozarlik, G Brem
Journal of Electrostatics 107, 103471, 2020
Numerical investigation of one-and two-way fluid-structure interaction in combustion systems
AK Pozarlik, JBW Kok
International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in …, 2007
Study of unsteady heat transfer as a key parameter to characterize limit cycle of high amplitude pressure oscillations
M Shahi, JBW Kok, JC Roman Casado, AK Pozarlik
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 45738, V05CT18A011, 2014
Fluid-structure interaction in combustion system of a gas turbine—effect of liner vibrations
AK Pozarlik, JBW Kok
Journal of Engineering for gas turbines and power 136 (9), 091502, 2014
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Articles 1–20