Kim Fairley, PhD
Cited by
Cited by
Trust and risk revisited
K Fairley, A Sanfey, J Vyrastekova, U Weitzel
Journal of Economic Psychology 57, 74-85, 2016
The role of demographics on adolescents’ preferences for risk, ambiguity, and prudence
K Fairley, AG Sanfey
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 179, 784-796, 2020
Risky Health Choices and the Balloon Economic Risk Protocol
K Fairley, JM Parelman, M Jones, RMK Carter
Journal of Economic Psychology 73, 15-33, 2019
Ambiguity and risk measures in the lab and students’ real-life borrowing behavior
K Fairley, U Weitzel
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 67, 85-98, 2017
Subjective beliefs about trust and reciprocity activate an expected reward signal in the ventral striatum
K Fairley, J Vyrastekova, U Weitzel, AG Sanfey
Frontiers in Neuroscience 13, 660, 2019
Nederlanders zijn voor een genereuze én activerende bijstand
M Collewet, K Fairley, R Kessels, M Knoef, O van Vliet
Economisch Statistische Berichten 107 (4813), 412-415, 2022
No group differences in Traditional Economics Measures of loss aversion and framing effects in bipolar I disorder
Z Anderson, K Fairley, CM Villanueva, RMK Carter, J Gruber
PloS one 16 (11), e0258360, 2021
Identifying brain network topology changes in task processes and psychiatric disorders
P Rezaeinia, K Fairley, P Pal, FG Meyer, RMK Carter
Network Neuroscience 4 (1), 257-273, 2020
De kracht van sociale normen
K Fairley, EM Sent, M Stallen
Economisch Statistische Berichten 98 (4672S), 27-31, 2013
Beyond lottery-evoked ambiguity aversion: The neural signature of the types and the sources of uncertainty
K Fairley, J Vyrastekova, U Weitzel, AG Sanfey
NeuroImage 251, 119007, 2022
Gebruik van aanvullend onderwijs op basisschool niet ongelijk verdeeld
R Diris, K Fairley, S Pietersma
Economisch Statistische Berichten 108 (4819), 108-111, 2023
Behavioral and neuroscientific essays on decision-making under uncertainty. Gedrags-en neurowetenschappelijke inzichten ten
K Fairley
PhD thesis, 2016
The design of welfare: unraveling taxpayers' preferences
M Collewet, K Fairley, R Kessels, M Knoef, O van Vliet
Available at SSRN 4755500, 2024
Brains, hormones, and genes: Introduction to the special issue on the biological foundations of economic decision-making
K Fairley, H Fornwagner, A Okbay
Journal of Economic Psychology, 102683, 2023
Huidige herinrichting vmbo zorgt niet voor daling voortijdig schoolverlaten
K Fairley
Me Judice, 2020
Onderschatting en volop hamsteren: menselijk gedrag tijdens de corona-uitbraak
K Fairley
Economisch Statistische Berichten, 2020
Meten van risicovoorkeuren is wel zinvol met risicotaken
K Fairley
Economisch Statistische Berichten 105 (4787), 343-345, 2020
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Articles 1–17