Şule Gündüz Öğüdücü
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Cited by
A web page prediction model based on click-stream tree representation of user behavior
Ş Gündüz, MT Özsu
Proceedings of the ninth ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2003
Identifying topical influencers on twitter based on user behavior and network topology
ZZ Alp, ŞG Öğüdücü
Knowledge-Based Systems 141, 211-221, 2018
Link prediction using time series of neighborhood-based node similarity scores
İ Güneş, Ş Gündüz-Öğüdücü, Z Çataltepe
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 30, 147-180, 2016
Mixed type audio classification with support vector machine
L Chen, S Gunduz, MT Ozsu
2006 IEEE international conference on multimedia and expo, 781-784, 2006
Combination of Web page recommender systems
M Göksedef, Ş Gündüz-Öğüdücü
Expert systems with applications 37 (4), 2911-2922, 2010
A taxonomy based semantic similarity of documents using the cosine measure
A Madylova, SG Oguducu
2009 24th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, 129-134, 2009
A hierarchical recommendation system for E-commerce using online user reviews
I Islek, SG Oguducu
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 52, 101131, 2022
Deep flexible sequential (DFS) model for air pollution forecasting
K Kaya, Ş Gündüz Öğüdücü
Scientific reports 10 (1), 3346, 2020
A retail demand forecasting model based on data mining techniques
İ İşlek, ŞG Öğüdücü
2015 IEEE 24th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), 55-60, 2015
Predicting community evolution based on time series modeling
N İlhan, ŞG Öğüdücü
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in …, 2015
Multiobjective evolutionary clustering of web user sessions: a case study in web page recommendation
GN Demir, AŞ Uyar, Ş Gündüz-Öğüdücü
Soft Computing 14, 579-597, 2010
Feature Identification for Predicting Community Evolution in Dynamic Social Networks
I Nagehan, S Gunduz Oguducu
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 55, 202-2018, 2016
Link prediction in evolving heterogeneous networks using the NARX neural networks
A Ozcan, SG Oguducu
Knowledge and Information Systems 55 (2), 333-360, 2018
An efficient community detection method using parallel clique-finding ants
S Sadi, Ş Öğüdücü, AŞ Uyar
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 1-7, 2010
Graph-based sequence clustering through multiobjective evolutionary algorithms for web recommender systems
GN Demir, AS Uyar, SG Ögüdücü
Proceedings of the 9th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2007
A distance based time series classification framework
H Kaya, Ş Gündüz-Öğüdücü
Information Systems 51, 27-42, 2015
A user interest model for web page navigation
S Gunduz
Proc. International Workshop on Data Mining for Actionable Knowledge (Apr. 2003), 2003
Demand forecasting model using hotel clustering findings for hospitality industry
K Kaya, Y Yılmaz, Y Yaslan, ŞG Öğüdücü, F Çıngı
Information Processing & Management 59 (1), 102816, 2022
Demand prediction using machine learning methods and stacked generalization
R Tugay, SG Oguducu
arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.09756, 2020
Multivariate time series link prediction for evolving heterogeneous network
A Ozcan, SG Oguducu
International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making 18 (01 …, 2019
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Articles 1–20