Brett Metcalfe
Brett Metcalfe
Postdoc, Wageningen University and Visiting Fellow, VU University Amsterdam (NL)
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Hierarchical random walks in trace fossils and the origin of optimal search behavior
DW Sims, AM Reynolds, NE Humphries, EJ Southall, VJ Wearmouth, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (30), 11073-11078, 2014
Endless Forams:> 34,000 modern planktonic foraminiferal images for taxonomic training and automated species recognition using convolutional neural networks
AY Hsiang, A Brombacher, MC Rillo, MJ Mleneck‐Vautravers, S Conn, ...
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 34 (7), 1157-1177, 2019
Quantifying sea surface temperature ranges of the Arabian Sea for the past 20 000 years
G Ganssen, F Peeters, B Metcalfe, P Anand, S Jung, D Kroon, ...
Climate of the Past 7 (4), 1337-1349, 2011
Changes in size and growth rate of ‘Lilliput’animals in the earliest Triassic
B Metcalfe, RJ Twitchett, N Price-Lloyd
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 308 (1), 171-180, 2011
Moving beyond the age–depth model paradigm in deep-sea palaeoclimate archives: dual radiocarbon and stable isotope analysis on single foraminifera
BC Lougheed, B Metcalfe, US Ninnemann, L Wacker
Climate of the Past 14 (4), 515-526, 2018
Reconstructing the depth of the permanent thermocline through the morphology and geochemistry of the deep dwelling planktonic foraminifer Globorotalia truncatulinoides
W Feldmeijer, B Metcalfe, GJA Brummer, GM Ganssen
Paleoceanography 30 (1), 1-22, 2015
The effect of chemical pretreatment of sediment upon foraminiferal‐based proxies
W Feldmeijer, B Metcalfe, P Scussolini, K Arthur
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 14 (10), 3996-4014, 2013
Late Pleistocene glacial–interglacial shell-size–isotope variability in planktonic foraminifera as a function of local hydrography
B Metcalfe, W Feldmeijer, M de Vringer-Picon, GJA Brummer, ...
Biogeosciences 12 (1), 4781-4807, 2015
High‐precision stable isotope analysis of <5 μg CaCO3 samples by continuous‐flow mass spectrometry
HB Vonhof, S de Graaf, HJ Spero, R Schiebel, SJA Verdegaal, B Metcalfe, ...
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 34 (19), e8878, 2020
Oxygen isotope variability of planktonic foraminifera provide clues to past upper ocean seasonal variability
B Metcalfe, W Feldmeijer, GM Ganssen
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 34 (3), 374-393, 2019
Oxygen isotope composition of the final chamber of planktic foraminifera provides evidence of vertical migration and depth-integrated growth
H Pracht, B Metcalfe, FJC Peeters
Biogeosciences 16 (2), 643-661, 2019
FAME (v1. 0): a simple module to simulate the effect of planktonic foraminifer species-specific habitat on their oxygen isotopic content
DM Roche, C Waelbroeck, B Metcalfe, T Caley
Geoscientific Model Development 11 (9), 3587-3603, 2018
Gastropod evidence against the Early Triassic Lilliput effect: COMMENT
ML Fraiser, RJ Twitchett, JA Frederickson, B Metcalfe, DJ Bottjer
Geology 39 (1), e232-e232, 2011
Vertical distribution and diurnal migration of atlantid heteropods
D Wall-Palmer, B Metcalfe, MJ Leng, HJ Sloane, G Ganssen, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 587, 1-15, 2018
Bulk sediment 14C dating in an estuarine environment: How accurate can it be?
BC Lougheed, SP Obrochta, C Lenz, A Mellström, B Metcalfe, ...
Paleoceanography 32 (2), 123-131, 2017
Microfaunal analysis of the Wattonensis Beds (Upper Bathonian) of South Dorset.
MB Hart, A DeJonghe, ST Grimes, B Metcalfe, GD Price, C Teece
Geoscience in south-west England 12, 134-139, 2009
Re-evaluating 14C dating accuracy in deep-sea sediment archives
BC Lougheed, P Ascough, AM Dolman, L Löwemark, B Metcalfe
Geochronology 2 (1), 17-31, 2020
Digital twin maturity levels: a theoretical framework for defining capabilities and goals in the life and environmental sciences
B Metcalfe, HC Boshuizen, J Bulens, JJ Koehorst
F1000Research 12, 961, 2023
A proxy modelling approach to assess the potential of extracting ENSO signal from tropical Pacific planktonic foraminifera
B Metcalfe, B Lougheed, C Waelbroeck, D Roche
Climate of the Past 16 (3), 885-910, 2020
Modal shift in North Atlantic seasonality during the last deglaciation
GJA Brummer, B Metcalfe, W Feldmeijer, MA Prins, J Van'T Hoff, ...
Climate of the Past 16 (1), 265-282, 2020
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Articles 1–20